Dressing for Wellness: The Bright Side of Fashion

Celebrating Health and Self-Expression in Fashion




When I took on the challenge of writing for OK The Fun I was taken aback a bit.

I haven’t shopped for a while, I am working on my health and I never imagined myself writing anything other than Spiritual writings.

But it is not only evoking me to shed some light on the social aspects of fashion and style but also look at the positive side of fashion in the murk of activism and positive discrimination.

There is so much to what we wear and how we want the world to see us.

And so much of it is influenced by the external circumstances and conditioning by the media.

But the question still stands:

why is it not advertised to us if we are fashion consumers?

Why is it always a lean skinny model wearing a dress that we desire to wear?

Why we are sold on the fake ideals if we are not going to buy and fit into them ideally?

I just finished reading “The Psychology of Fashion, The Psychology of Everything” Written by Carolyn Mair

The book extensively spoke about the detrimental effect fashion can have on mental health and eating habits.

The industry is working towards better working conditions for the models and discarding unnatural, unrealistic body shapes.

But we as consumers have a long way to go. In foot forward to catch up the wagon of fashion and style.

Physically and Mentally.

Can we delve into this opportunity to peep into the positive aspects of fashion and the influence it can have on our well-being?


I don’t advocate size zero and starvation. It is cruelty against the self.

But, in waves of positive discrimination and activism, we often forget the positive aspects of fashion and the good influence it can have on health.

A role fashion can play in bringing positive changes to someone's life.

Not everyone needs to be size zero, but it doesn’t hurt to be healthy and lean.

Not for others to see how you look, but for your health.

I am working on getting lean as doctors have suggested, but it also opens up opportunities for me to try clothes that I wouldn’t have otherwise.

I might not have bought into a dream that is sold by the fashion industry, but I have started a thinking process on what to sell to the world.

A person who represents health and well-being or a person who represents obesity and unhealthy habits.

We have to make the choice.

I can understand that it is difficult to leave behind the sedimentary lifestyle and incorporate new healthy habits.

But one has to try, and it begins with tiny steps.

Maybe start by getting into the habit of drinking lots of water every day, and build upon it as you go.

Self Expression

Your body is a canvas of self-expression.

We are most beautiful when we are naked, and the clothes are an extension of our beauty.

There is freedom in what we choose to reveal and what not.

Just like our thought. We don’t do loud thinking all the time.

There are times when we compose the words in the mind to be proliferated.

Why not compose a look that becomes a statement of what you stand for?

Why not, let your message find a voice in the way you express it through your clothing style?

You get what you search for

You get what you ask for and you get what you search for.

If searching for negative aspects of fashion becomes the central theme of your life, you will always find the bad.

When you ask and search for the positive aspects of anything, you always land on the green side of the grass.

And why not?

Why not choose the better version of the story?

The key to demolishing the bad reputation and negative connotations of the industry is not to highlight the missing puzzles all the time.

What you focus on, grows.

We have to decide what we want to focus on.

The judgmental and unhealthy practice of fashion and style OR the side of fashion that might inspire someone to get out of bed, exercise and appreciate beauty in the finer things of life.

Fashion can be a way to celebrate self-expression and well-being.

We always have a choice between being healthy and whining about not fitting into the dress.

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Creativity is the celebration of Spirituality | Be yourself, and everything else will fall into place.