How to start a fashion blog?

Without investing in expensive clothes



Author working from the bed — Selfie by Daigo

Starting a fashion blog was not on my plate.

However, my mentor and avid reader of my spiritual blogs encouraged and challenged me to write something related to Art.

I am also reading a book currently — The Art of Spiritual Writing; which also suggests that Spiritual writers should write about other topics to hone the craft of writing.

It sprouts from our discussions about Art, of course, the course of Art is not limited to Paintings and Sculptures.

I was pondering upon topics that could cover the grounds of art and creativity and yet not be limited to the medium.

Fashion provides the canopy where not only Art as a topic is sheltered, but also extends to Cinema, Theatre, Culture and Music.

Fashion is the heartbeat of everything that is Art. Art pumps philosophy to the matter of Fashion.

They reciprocate.

Starting a fashion blog will allow me to speak about all the creative areas of my interest.

Hence I have started this blog and stated what thoughts went into creating this space to discuss Fashion.

The very first impression of Fashion is clothes. But I rarely come out of my pyjamas and work (write) lying in bed.

So the question arises, should I go on a shopping spree and take beautiful pictures to stand out as a fashion influencer or something?

I would love to do that, but that is not the way I want to take it.

Of course, I love streetwear and couture, but fashion is not limited to what you are wearing and how you look.

That is the tip of an Iceberg. And I want to assure another fashion blogger that fashion blogging can be done without investing in expensive clothes and photoshoots.

Here’s how —

Fashion and Luxury is not only about clothing

At the very heart of Luxury fashion, the core message is about an emotion and not an object.

You can write about a piece like art appreciation.

It is an appreciation of art at the end of the day.

Said so, you can delve into other topics like cinema, theatre and music to elaborate on the influence and interconnectedness of the domains.

To demonstrate example —

You can write about Marc Eco's product placement in the TV series, The Wire.

How about the influence of theatre on Alexander Mcqueen’s shows?

The very essence of luxury is not selling a product but an emotion.

Emotions that are deeply rooted in the story of the humble beginning of a designer and the stature of the brand.

These are just a few examples.

You can explore the unlimited possibilities of various aspects of fashion, ranging from aesthetic, socio-economical or psychological.

Have you ever followed what new money is buying excessively?

Do you know the story of Lady Gaga’s innovative style in the early stage of her career?

I wish to write something meaningful something that connects to the minds of the readers.

From a beauty point of view which is philosophical and psychological.

There is no Niche

Everything is fashion. The drag of vape, the blow on your hair.


Fashion cannot be confined to a niche.

As discussed earlier, fashion has deep penetration into our lives.

It has multiple facets.

Fashion is the aspiration in the eyes of the girl looking in the mirror and imagining herself in Prada.

Fashion is confidence in the breaths of the young man preparing himself for the most important presentation of his life.

Fashion is Midas' touch of a lover putting neckless around his love.

Fashion is lying in bed and binge-watching a TV show with the person you care about most.

Fashion is not limited to magazines and walks way beyond the horizons of the runway.

And the good news is, it is accessible to you. If you believe and accept.


I have started, it's time for you to start.

Don’t let an object become a hindrance to your objective.

I might be starting this journey to see myself writing something out of my comfort zone.

I am not afraid to try, and I will be posting about fashion from the same account I post my spiritual writing.

A confluence of seemingly two different worlds.

Moreover, I might touch luxury items in the future, who knows?

But I am not waiting for that.

There is a larger sphere to fly in the world of fashion and a canopy for everyone to sit under.

This is how you start a fashion blog.

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Creativity is the celebration of Spirituality | Be yourself, and everything else will fall into place.