Is Email Marketing Dead? Debunking the Myth and Unveiling Actionable Strategies for Success

Meticulous Marketing Agency
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2023

Social media dominates the marketing premise.

At least that is the common belief among marketers.

Every strategy carved out includes the major social media platforms and how to reach the masses with the messages.

But a critical question persists, whether email marketing still hold ground?

Contrary to this popular belief, email marketing is far from dead.

It is the most powerful tool in the marketer’s arsenal.

Let’s not take it for the word, let’s see what the data says.

email marketing boasts a staggering 4400% ROI, according to a report by Campaign Monitor.

After burnout from the effort to get that Instagram reel to a certain amount of audience, and after spending tons of resources into building a voice and audience on Twitter; it is time to debunk some myths we have about email marketing.

Sounds cliche, but yes; money is in the list.

Personalisation and Segmentation

As per the report by Experian, personalised emails deliver six times higher transaction rates.

Compartmentalise your list on the basis of demographics, behaviours, and preferences.

Craft tailored content that resonates with each segment, enhancing engagement and conversion rates.

Interactive Content

Emails can be more than text, it allows HTML integration.

Make it interactive.

Quizzes, polls Dynamic CTA and games can significantly boost user engagement.

I love the way does it. He has not only grown his list but stands as a brand.

Including interactive elements can increase click-to-open rates by 73%, as stated in a study by Email Monks.

Interactive content keeps subscribers intrigued and encourages active participation.

Mobile Optimisation

Considering mobile in any of the strategies is non-negotiable.

According to Litmus, 46% of email opening happens on the mobile.

Keep it short.

Adapt to the writing style of the internet and resonate with the audience.

Ensure a seamless. lightweight yet appealing experience across all devices.

To Conclude

Email is still very much alive.

By embracing interactivity, mobile optimisation and personalisation along with innovative content strategy marketers can create an impactful campaign.

Instead of overdosing your audience with factual information, how about creating a series of stories that resonate with the audience?

Learn from your favourite TV show, and keep a cliffhanger at the end of every email.

It will keep them wanting more.


  • Campaign Monitor. (n.d.). Email Marketing Benchmarks. Campaign Monitor
  • Experian. (n.d.). The Importance of Personalisation in Email Marketing. Experian
  • Email Monks. (n.d.). The Ultimate Guide to Interactive Emails. Email Monks
  • Litmus. (n.d.). Email Client Market Share and Popularity. Litmus

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