

OKThen Then


it is redundant to keep inside, everything that we keep outside………………….. and redundant to keep outside, everything that we keep inside……………………. yet redundancy abounds……………………………………………………………………………… as we create ourselves and our worlds……………………………………………………. what we create and keep outside we call the world ——-{ < : ) (:> }———- ————-{ < : ) (:> }———- what we create and keep inside we call the self and each chimeric cyborg human self embodies the entire world collective we ART the mind/matter inanimate/animate action/thing inside/outside touched and touching with prosthetic senses………………………………………….… ………………………………………………………………………..the observer is the observed

M. C. Escher

the Cartesian assumption falsely separates in/out, mind/matter, thing/action and cripples our ability to understand self and world, from consciousness to cosmology

It is best to assume assumptions as few as possible.…………………………………………………………………………………. Am I a fallacy?…….. What am I?……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Joana Ricou / Steven H. Lee / Studio Graphiko

10 trillion human cells ………………… 100 trillion microbes..………….. ………that inhabit each human body 1000 trillion viruses………………….. … that infect each human body’s ….. human and microbe cells

Human Microbiome Project

If a man has a hip replacement, a cornea implant, a hearth transplant; then by by definition/cartesian convention) those things are now part of him…. But is a prosthetic arm, leg or telescopic cornea implant part of his self?

And if all of these human replacement part

can be part of a man’s self.

Then why not a computer hard drive, the internet, a radio telescope network. I mean a prosthetic leg can be put on and taken off, in much the same way that we plug into and out of the world wide web.

Has not the world wide web become part of our collective mind?………….. And are not the human ecosystems rapidly becoming the Earth’s ecosystem. …………………………Does the identity:…………………………………………….. ……………………………….. Human ecosystem = Earth ecosystem…………… …………………………mean(don’t worry be happy? or that we are the Earth?)

Are we metaphorically (or literally) the Earth?

“We are accustomed to thinking of the electron charge as a building block of nature requiring no collective context to make sense. the experiments in question, of course, refute this idea. They reveal that the electron charge makes sense only in a collective context, which may be provided either by the empty vacuum of space, which modifies this charge the same way it modifies atomic wavelengths, or by some matter that preempts the vacuum’s effects. Moreover, the preemptive ability of matter requires the organizational principles at work there to be the same as those at work in the vacuum.. The electron charge conundrum.. is not unique. All the fundamental constants require an environmental context to make sense.” Robert B. Laughlin, 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics

So is David Bohm’s Wholeness and the Implicate Order; and The Undivided Universe still part of the science dialogue?

Ahh, but am I getting far afield? Of course I am!………………..……………………… 21st century physics and neuroscience are moving beyond the mind and matter certainty of Descartes. Neuroscience and philosophy are on uncertain ground; and quantum science seems not enough.

Yet at the most elementary level (e.g. an electron) there seems to be a required emergent collective; allow me to call it electronbeing, which is sort of the emergent electronness that knows(subconsciously of course) the collective actions, probabilities, relationships, activities, quantum rules, constants that matter to a fundamental electron (if there were such a thing).

“human cognitive and emotional states or processes literally comprise elements in their surrounding material environment.. this stronger version of extended mind theory (may be) hard to defend and difficult to embrace fully.. but we must “rid ourselves of the idea that our brains are somehow touched with the magic dust that makes them suitable to act as the physical machinery of mind and self, while the non-biological stuff must forever remain mere slave and tool.” (Clark)”Colin Renfrew pg 228 How Things Shape the Mind 2013 MIT press

