Have you found your “differentiator”?

OKTIUM- Face2 Human Connection
3 min readJan 17, 2019

Scott Joseph, the expert in automotive industry shares some tips on how to make your dealership truly successful. The key is quite simple, he says. You need to be different. That’s what customers find appealing. With Scott’s life-long work experience, he introduces a new marketing concept for automotive dealers.

Have you found your “differentiator”?

The essential element of successful marketing is in providing your clients with something special. And, as Scott Joseph says, there is nothing special in “the lowest price” or “wide range of cars” or “big discounts”. Everybody issued that same statement at some point. Thus, repeating it even in paraphrased form is not making you different in any way.

What can you do instead? Offer your customers something memorable by emphasizing the difference in your services. Great price and selection are easier to forget. An exceptional shopping experience, however, is more likely to leave a lasting impression.

Do you want your dealership to be more productive? Do you want to be an industry leader? Then think of leadership in terms of a major innovative breakthrough. “Don’t accept present-day business circumstances as the way it has to be. Leaders have better processes and do a better job differentiating themselves and their stores from everyone they compete against,” says Scott Joseph.

What would your marketing differentiator look like?

As Scott Joseph experienced:

“Recently, J&L Marketing’s President, Jamil Zabaneh did an outstanding webinar discussing the future of automotive marketing and the challenges dealers face. He discussed what really matters to car buyers today, and how to effectively win the race to capture their business.

The only way to develop a dynamic marketing differentiator that produces more leads and sales is to offer something compelling. What motivated buyers 5, 10, 15 and 20 years ago is not as appealing to them today because they don’t need you anymore to obtain the information you share in those old school marketing offers.”

Of course, what motivated customers years ago can´t be applied to today´s world. Let´s look at giant companies such as Instagram. Their secret sauce: video. Well, we understand that Instagram is not representative of the automotive industry. However, this is quite an indicator of current trends in many fields. Take inspiration from it. Scott Joseph explains: “A business strategy that may be as common as dirt in one industry can have an effect of an atomic bomb for other industries or business applications where it’s never been used before.”

Let´s think about some specialties, which could describe your business. Not your cars, your discounts, or hours of operation. The really special features are the shopping process, the truly remarkable experience provided by your knowledgeable and helpful sales staff, shortest reply time, personal touch. Focus on these. How do you package all of these together and present to your clients? How about offering to your customers a new way of interacting with you so you can help them with their choices, and keep them entertained?

Have you noticed the explosion of video commerce? Well, here is your answer: live video connection to your dealership. The connection that offers a convenient way to exchange information and smiles; the connection that allows your customers to examine the product closely; the connection that does not keep your customer waiting for the answer they need.

One click of OKTIUM’s Face2 button on your website instantly connects your online shoppers to you. Now, that’s something different.


How to Differentiate Your Dealership Now… or Else! by Scott Joseph

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