Video commerce — show and tell.

OKTIUM- Face2 Human Connection
3 min readAug 14, 2018

Previously we talked about how customers are tired of typing and how they just want to talk to a real salesperson. In this article, we will discuss how it’s getting more prevalent with the emergence of video shopping.

Remember the lengthy infomercials on late night TV. Video selling is nothing new. The infomercials are still running. Same bearded guy, whose hand gestures have not changed in decades, presents new products in old ways. Infomercials are now everywhere. They morphed and spread to video platforms. They became shorter. They are shorter still on other platforms like social media. Video commerce sellers don’t have to drive to a studio and pay for airtime. They conduct their video commerce absolutely free. No need to get dressed all pretty and sit through a makeup session. You can be an unattractive, overweight, middle-aged woman in a sleeveless faded stretched shirt, head half-shaven, green hair, tattoo-covered arms, opening oyster shells all day long over a dirty towel, selling pearls. Live! No problem. (Chance viewing, true story)

Video shopping has taken different forms: a recorded video, a live video stream or a video call. The form affects the way customers receive information about a product or a service. More importantly, it impacts customers’ decision to buy. An effective live video communication is more likely to result in a purchase than a recorded video.

Social media plays an important role in video commerce, it provides a platform for distributing content directly to customers. Live video stream capabilities allow anyone to broadcast themselves from a smartphone making it accessible to all who care to tune in.

The emergence of video commerce may serve as a proof that customers prefer interacting with a real salesperson rather than interacting with a bot. Retailtainment is the new word. Consumers seem to crave it. Ending up with a dress after clicking a few buttons is neither as exciting nor entertaining as having someone to talk to about the details of the garment and the accessories that will compliment it.

Brands of e-commerce world are not just limited to a single platform, they can do video commerce on few platforms at the same time, making it possible to reach a wider audience. Salespeople can tap into social media platforms to offer a live video call with a live demo of their product.

Marketing a product through video commerce has never been easier with the emergence of brand influencers. Vloggers, bloggers, social media celebrities oftentimes promote a product through their channels giving brands the opportunity to reach hundreds of thousands or even millions of potential buyers at a minimal cost. Compared to traditional advertising that usually costs a lot of money, influencer advertising costs less because most of the platforms that they use are free. Video is the most common medium among brand influencers and is effective in broadcasting information to the general public.

Live video call is also one form of video commerce that has recently attracted customers’ attention. For years businesses employed voice telemarketing to market and sell their products. With the emergence of fast internet connections and video calling applications, video calling has become the go-to channel for businesses to directly connect with their customers.

Live video commerce adds an authentic human connection to this form of communication. Yes, there is no substitute for real human face-to-face interaction, but in the current day and age, when technology seems to be highjacking our lives, we’ll take what we can have: the next best thing.

In the next article we will talk about how through the changes in the retail industry, human connection was lost and with the help of modern technology, it can be found again.

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OKTIUM- Face2 Human Connection

We bring human connection back to where it's been missing. Your digital doors to physical stores. Live video calls with retailers, galleries, and services.