CEO of OLPORTAL Artem Evdokimov about the project
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2018

Any idea has a creator. Similarly, OLPORTAL’s mission and idea were also a product of the imagination and creativeness of the CEO of the project — Artem Evdokimov. Here we would like to expose the idea and mission of OLPORTAL from the point of view of our CEO.

“About two or more years ago, I have strongly decided to create a really necessary and beneficial application that will bring convenience and efficiency to its users. I, as a user, was quite disappointed by the overwhelming majority of applications on the market. Moreover, I had enough skills and experience to generate such an idea of a decentralized messenger on neural networks, not to say about its implementation. For me, OLPORTAL is a way out of the current situation in the technological world. There are a lot of fresh and groundbreaking technologies but, for some reasons, app developers prefer to rely on the mass popularity of one or another idea. In a nutshell, they make the realization of ideas that are traditional and have demand.

Sitting at my desk with my smartphone in my hand some time ago, I had to quit and login several mobile apps to complete some actions. This was very irritating for me and energy-consuming for my device. However, it was only one of the reasons forcing me to start developing my own application that will meet all requirements of modern users. The last straw was my helplessness in messengers, where I could only communicate with friends, business partners, or even salesmen. All that I could do was sending them few lines, files, pics or something, but it takes too much time to answer all of them and especially to conduct money transactions if needed. Moreover, I got no practical interest in using messengers, except for chatting and swapping some information and media with my interlocutors. In addition, I also didn’t like the fact my chats are not secured from either hackers or other evil-doers or from authorities. These factors irritated me as a user and gave me a push to develop a unique idea of messaging in chats with integrated AI, all data of which will be secured by decentralization.

The mission of OLPORTAL is to simplify the process of everyday communication by chatting with the help of our neurobots assistants that can save your time by suggesting a certain variant of an answer to a question. Moreover, you may also be sure that your dialogue’s information will be totally secured by means of the decentralization of the project. During the development of our idea, my team and I came to the conclusion that an app of the future must have additional features that will bring some profit or even income to OLPORTAL’s users. By thinking in this way, we have decided to give users the possibility to train their bots not only for personal use but also for selling at our marketplace. Thus, a person may buy your trained bot and use it in his or her chats. This is not the only way how a user can get some income from OLPORTAL ecosystem. Here each user can be rewarded for using special advertising bots that are already pretrained by an advertiser in their chats.

Shutting it off, I can say, that OLPORTAL was meant to be a simple app with several tricks in it. However, its idea has undergone great changes and now I believe OLPORTAL to be the first in the world ecosystem for unique neurobots making users chats more efficient and profitable. I am strongly concerned in that this idea will become a real trend among advanced users who are searching for an optimal decision to accomplish their important routine tasks.”

These were the thoughts about the mission and idea stated by the CEO of the OLPORTAL project Artem Evdokimov.

More about OLPORTAL on our official channels! Stay tuned!



The world's first decentralized marketplace for AI-powered bots. iMe messenger with the Artificial Intelligence dialogue function.