Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


How to Make Administration of Your Social Media Easier with OL PORTAL?

Have you known that posting some news and scraps on social media is an extremely addicting process? Recently, scientists have found a shocking fact based on their research that shows how posting on social media can turn almost into an obsession. This is mostly because of two hormones that people receive while editing a post on Facebook or Instagram, for example. Dopamine and oxytocin rule our emotions making us share more photos and information with our friends. However, social networks take a lot of time to administrate them. The more pages you have, the more vividly you feel the lack of time to create and post a scrap. Sometimes people are too busy even for a retweet or repost. Luckily for many social media addicted individuals and people who have several pages to administrate, the cross-platform application OL PORTAL has a very useful feature called crossposting to give them a helping hand.

What is a Crossposting?

When it is time to refresh your wall and share some exciting news with your friends, you have some strength and passion to create a well-looking post for one or two pages on social media. It is a very boring occupation when it needs you to cope with several profiles. So, what about those people, whose activity is closely connected with social media pages’ management? Such people try to do their best to post every little scrap. The OL Corporation company has integrated a very useful feature in their product. They called it the crossposting function. It enables people to publish posts on all of your social media with only several clicks.

No more:

  1. spending much time on managing the wall.
  2. perpetual clicks to open Facebook app, Instagram, Twitter and so on. You can do everything in one single product.
  3. forgotten nicknames and abandoned profiles as you will keep them hard at hand.

What if you don’t want to create a post on a Twitter, for example, or you would like to publish it on Facebook as well? There is nothing difficult in it. Choose those sources on which you would like to post a scrap and it’s in the bag.

How to Use This Function

If it seems too hard for you to understand how to make posts with this excellent feature, read this short instruction how to do this and be sure you won’t face any trouble. Firstly, we should state that you can find this option in the “news feed” section. Look at the upper right corner of the screen. There you can notice a sign of a piece of paper and pencil. Clicking on this icon, you will open the next window. Here you can create your post by adding text and photo or something else. After this action, you should choose a social media source where you would like to publish a post, and this is it, a scrap is on the wall.

Four simple steps let you keep your friends informed about your news on Facebook, Instagram or elsewhere you want. The key to a convenient and simple posting on social media already exists, you need only to try it. Download OL PORTAL and check how it works!




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