Make Your Conversations Sweeter with Our Jessica Neurobot
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2018

Recently, we have updated the OLPORTAL application where you can find now first test-neurobot called Jessica also known as “Blondie” speaking in Russian and English languages. If you have an Android device, you may try this AI assistant right after updating your app. Owners of iOS devices will be able to check how the bot operates in a week or a little bit sooner. Help us with testing of the bot so that we will get all opportunities to upgrade it and develop a really useful and well-performing product that will cover some of your requirements.

What does Our Blondie Look Like?

Jessica is more for fun rather than for business conversations. You won’t probably chat with your business partners in such a way: “Hello, darling! How are you?”, using emoji and slang, clumsy words in sentences. That is why our Blondie can be called the first fun-bot for chatting with friends.

This bot represents a young, pretty, light-hearted girl, who knows everything about fashion, likes to travel and use different pet-forms of words. Besides, she is quite an open, amiable person with a sense of humor. Moreover, our AI-girl prefer to avoid cliched words and phrases and surprise people with her extraordinary way of communication.

What Can Jessica Bring to Me Now?

This version of “Blondie” may help you to:

  1. answer partner’s messages quickly and in a peculiar way;
  2. enliven your daily texting with friends;
  3. substitute emoji, stickers, and gifs that users adore so much.
  4. for the male audience, use this female bot will to find common ground with the opposite sex.

Ready But not Finalized!

As is already known, the current version of this test-neurobot is under testing now. The development is not finished and far from the result we want to achieve in the end, but this test bot will allow us to find all the deficiencies and problems of AI-assistants. Today, “Blondie” includes not so many layers as we want it from our future OLAIs, still, all our users can have fun with chatting in a way of a humorous girl like Jessica.

If you haven’t got the chance to try our test OLAI up to this point, download it now from the Google Play store, update your mobile version of OLPORTAL, and start chatting. Girls will certainly love this trick for communication, boys will be able to try the role of a nice girl on a lark. Could you be so kind as to leave us your feedback on what advantages and disadvantages of the Blondie’s usage you have found and what deficits are worth paying our attention?

If you have already tested this OLAI, please, tell us your opinion. Don’t forget to follow our social media, like and repost our announcements and news! Twitter Reddit Linkedin Facebook Instagram Telegram

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