Meet Our Partners: Ashmanov Neural Networks
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

Ashmanov Neural Networks is one of our strategic partners, the sphere of the occupation of which covers the neural network niche. This is the second important direction that we need to pay attention to as the common idea of OLPORTAL includes two disruptive technologies: distributed ledgers and artificial intelligence. This is one of earlier partnerships we have entered into, a result of which is the Jessica neurobots’ launch. Let’s get acquainted with our partner a little bit closer in the next paragraph.

About the Ashmanov Neural Networks Company and Our Cooperation

The company is engaged in the machine learning and neural networks spheres. It solves the issues of the data recognition, detection, and fusion. Specialists of the company have some experience in the development and implementation of machine learning and neural networks and diverse data types (photo, video, text, etc.) classification. In other words, Ashmanov Neural Networks is engaged in the machine learning algorithm sphere (neural networks).

The company has been operating in the market for 2,5 years and has already introduced PuzzleLib, the neural network library, to the community and the online service for social media analysis, Puzzle Parser. The company monitors the current situation in the Artificial Intelligence sphere and continues to conduct its own independent research and developments in this niche. The founder of the company, Stanislav Ashmanov, is an alumnus of the Moscow State University, Department of the Mechanics and Mathematics. He is one of the developers of the smart digital assistant “Lexy” as well and works with ML and DML for more than 12 years. The Nanosemantics Lab. company, that is our another partner, is also headed by Stanislav Ashmanov.

The development of our neural networks and their integration in our ecosystem is the main direction that is pursued by our partnership with Ashmanov Neural Networks. Our specialists learn from the experienced team of our partner and obtain some knowledge in AI to be able to provide further improvements of technologies applied in our big ecosystem.

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