Meet Our Partners: Quadrant Protocol
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3 min readSep 24, 2018

OLPORTAL strives to build a great community around the product so that the ecosystem will be able to evolve quickly and effectively. But one man, no man that is why we need to have strong and reliable partners with unique technologies in their core ideas. In this case, we may take the right direction to the OLPORTAL success. Together with Perlin and Hedera Hashgraph projects, OLPORTAL also has partnered with an outstanding project called Quadrant Protocol. Here we will explain to you why we will benefit from this partnership and what is so special about this amazing project. Let’s go deeper in the Quadrant Protocol essence.

So, What is Quadrant Protocol?

This project awoke a genuine interest in big investors and companies with AI, as there is a strong demand for platforms like this one in the market. Presently, the AI market faces many problems connected with the authenticity of data and its security. For this reason, the team of the Quadrant project decided to create a blockchain-based protocol helping to organize, collect, process, and stamp it as authentic. The project will be operating on a blockchain platform with smart-contracts.

How Does Quadrant Work?

Quadrant Protocol is aimed at organizing big volumes of data and stamping it proving the authenticity of the collected information. If a company works with data, it can sell it after having registered on the platform. Any data provider should denote from what sources the information was taken. The company selling data on the platform will get a reward in eQUAD tokens (official digital assets of Quadrant Protocol). The large companies can create different services on top of this platform and gather information in big databulks.

The platform is beneficial both for suppliers and customers and represents a kind of a marketplace for selling/buying databulks. This is especially attractive for AI companies as they need authentic data volumes for their developments. Quadrant incentivizes suppliers of such information supporting the growth of the community and platform itself.

If you want to get acquainted with Quadrant Protocol from the technical point of view, you may read the Whitepaper of the project at Now the project has finished the crowd sale and the team is busy with the implementation of the main milestones, so we are waiting for the full realization of their product.

How does it benefit OLPORTAL?

The partnership with Quadrant Protocol is very important for our project as the platform is a real source of authentic data. The implementation of our neurobots needs a great volume of information so that our OLAIs can be trained properly. The partnership is very beneficial for both parties, as we can test the Quadrant platform with the help of our AI bots and spread the word about their technologies in our region. Besides, we can learn much from the team of the Quadrant project including their experience in data organizing, and we are also ready to provide our partner with any assistance as well. It is still too early to try Quadrant Protocol for us, but we are looking forward to testing on the platform in order to ensure proper training and performance of our neurobots.

Follow our social media to learn more about our partners and updates. By the way, the second test male neurobot is ready! Check it in our application and don’t forget to update it!



The world's first decentralized marketplace for AI-powered bots. iMe messenger with the Artificial Intelligence dialogue function.