OLPORTAL’s Moving towards AI

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3 min readMar 7, 2018


Everybody has already heard about the technology of neural networks that surprises people with its ability to solve different problems quickly and naturally. Such technologies have already penetrated our everyday lives and we don’t even notice how beneficial they are. The developers of the OLPORTAL mobile application couldn’t miss such a great opportunity to integrate this novelty into their product. That is why one of the most crucial and basic directions of the app’s evolution is the implementation of neuro-based AI technologies to the functionality of the OLPORTAL messenger.

How Will It Change the Users’ Lives?

When talking about latest innovations and programs that can be beneficial for people, most of us forget to count those that have already changed the natural order of things. Some scholars and scientist say that AI is “the second electricity”, meaning that this invention has already begun to change the scripted norms and rules of the contemporary society and technological sphere.

How can people benefit from the AI technology? Here we have several ideas answering this question. While most people argue about what features and possibilities AI will bring to the society and which of its peculiarities can do some harm to the humanity, we see clearly the next advantages of this technology. They are as follows:

  1. The quality of work will be at its highest level. This is because artificial intelligence is, in essence, a machine, and machines are used to accomplish different tasks with great results. This mostly depends on the absence of human feelings, doubts, and some physical peculiarities that make us feel tired and influence the quality of our work.
  2. The previous advantage creates another aspect that compares AI favorably with other innovations. AI doesn’t need a sleep or charging as it can’t be physically tired. That is why this system continues its education constantly. The more such a machine will learn, the more efficient its operation will be.
  3. The neural networks can function limitless. Due to nonstop education, the machine is able to accomplish complex processes without mistakes or with a smaller amount of them.

As we can see from the list of advantages of neural networks, artificial intelligence will be able to assist people in solving different problems. Thus, it will release them from a painstaking task. This means having more free time for self-education, resting, or spending time with the closest ones.

The Integration of AI Technologies into the OLPORTAL Application

According to developers of OLPORTAL, the integration of artificial intelligence into the product will influence its effectiveness and facilities and create an absolutely new product based on neural networks and blockchain where both these technologies will be functioning in symbiosis. Some part of AI technologies will cover the sphere of OL Chat providing users with AI bots — intelligent personal assistants, helping to answer messages in a natural way. Bots will offer a user some variants of sentences and this person should choose which one to apply as an answer to a message. Imagine how much time you will save due to this.

Another sphere where AI was integrated is the blockchain of OLPORTAL (OL Chain). Here artificial intelligence will trace and eliminate bottlenecks of OL Chain, enabling the cryptocurrency wallet of the app to conduct transactions faster and safer. Knowing effects that people can experience with the help of the first neuro-messenger, the OLCF Corporation company couldn’t cope with the temptation to produce a unique product for user’s sake.

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The world's first decentralized marketplace for AI-powered bots. iMe messenger with the Artificial Intelligence dialogue function.