The Digital Revolution:
Published in
7 min readOct 25, 2018

Blockchain Killer and Ai Popularizer

The future of blockchain technology and many modern messengers is in danger now. Blockchain can’t provide the necessary speed of transactions. In the age when the time is everything for people, it is a real disadvantage. With the advent of the Artificial Intelligence era, modern messengers may lose their users if they continue to stick to their current monotonous business scenarios. Now they can’t offer tools and instruments that can somehow enliven their conversations or bring some profit and, finally, change the habitual perception of communication. People need changes, so why not give them bread and circuses, otherwise they may rebel.

Blockchain may fall into a trap of Hedera Hashgraph if its speed stays the same, but many existing messengers like Telegram or WhatsApp may accept a helping hand from our unique Ai popularizer to undergo beneficial changes faster. The digital revolution is looming on the horizon, so let us introduce the most promising revolutionists that are going to turn the digital business principles upside down.

OLPORTAL — the key to the future

OLPORTAL is a unique digital environment for conversational Ai neurobots that can be added to users’ dialogues in order to conduct conversations on their behalf and offer some ready coherent replies to partners’ questions or phrases. Any messenger can integrate OLPORTAL neurobots in their architecture and enliven the way users communicate in their apps. The project doesn’t represent simply an idea, but it has a ready MVP that everybody can download from Google Play and App Store and try the app by themselves. It has around 180 000 installs and about 5 000 active users applying the ecosystem today. Let’s have a look at what this project has in its bag to save the messengers era and prove its title of Ai popularizer:

1. OLAis, or neurobots of the project, are the main advantages and hallmarks of the entire OLPORTAL platform. OLAi is an Ai neurobot that is already pretrained to a sufficient level of communication to be able to conduct conversations in chats. The emphasis should be put on the specific manner of their performance. If many other bots communicate directly with users and help them to find some information or something, OLAis are on the side of a user and answer on their behalf in a dialogue. A user needs only to accept a phrase, what will be a matter of seconds. In case if a user doesn’t want to accept a bot’s answer for one reason or another, he or she will be able to type it by themselves or edit bot’s phrases. There are all sorts of neurobots in OLPORTAL. Non-commercial bots can be further subdivided into user’s neurobots, neurobots-characters, special purpose bots, and many other. You may learn more about them in the white paper of the project on

Except for non-commercial neurobots creation, project’s developers also plan the realization of commercial bots helping to advertise products or services natively (OLTarget). The mechanisms of such bots’ performance are similar to those applied in ordinary targeted advertising when an ad is shown to an interested audience only. This principle is a little bit similar to the performance of OLTarget bots indicating certain trigger-words in a dialogue and proposing a phrase with a hidden advertisement of a brand, service, or a place. Detailed information about these bots can also be found in the white paper.

2. Publicly available Artificial Intelligence is the second good trait of our platform. Few projects can boast with an open Ai in their system that can be trained by different categories of people for their own purposes. One doesn’t need to have a certain education level or skill to be able to train their bot. Besides, a user can easily upload the data from their binded social media and messengers to improve the training procedure. Experts all over the world believe that the popularization of Ai is the next step of this sphere’s evolution.

3. Another winning feature of our platform is that people can start earning from their chatting. Just imagine the situation when you are making small talk with your friend and earning some profit for this at the same time. This scheme works for our advertising bots of the OLTarget service. A user downloads such a bot for free or with a negative price (an advertising budget set by an advertiser, paid for a certain bot download) from OLMarket (native marketplace of the ecosystem). When a partner in a chat sends him or her a phrase with a trigger-word activating neurobots’ answers, OLAi offers a proper sentence to respond. Each sent reply that was offered by a bot will bring a reward in OLCF tokens to the user. In addition, any user can train a bot and place it for sale or rent in OLMarket. This is also an additional way of earning money.

4. Modern messengers have neither Ai open nor unique conversational neurobots integrated into them. However, in future, the tide will turn. OLPORTAL will provide unique OLAis (brand-new Ai neurobots) that can be integrated into many popular messengers. In fact, such giants as Telegram, WhatsApp and many other modern messengers don’t do anything to surprise their users and provide themselves with a prosperous further being. These messengers may disappear without a trace from the global market as today the Ai technologies gain in popularity and according to many estimates can substitute the product without Ai. By adapting our technology of smart neurobots for chatting, messengers will make their products more attractive for the advanced community and prepare for the future arms drive. After integrating Ai technology into their products, they will turn into trend apps automatically without doing any research and spending money on some extra development. All today’s messengers, as we know them, will be history, but the future will belong to the Telegram + OLAi product and etc.

5. Due to the integrated multi-currency crypto wallet, buy and sell transactions with neurobots will be conducted in the ecosystem easily and quickly. The decentralization will help to secure this process against different attacks and release users from the necessity of addressing third-parties when conducting transactions. In OLPORTAL, however, it will take less time to transact funds owing to Hedera Hashgraph. The speedy microtransactions will become real when conducted on this DLT platform with the DAG technology. Now the platform has an incredible speed results. These exponents fit purposes of our ecosystem perfectly. Despite the growth in users’ number, the system will avoid any bottlenecks. Neurobots may be bought in OLMarket (native marketplace) of OLPORTAL, and then installed to a user’s messenger.

One can say that Telegram’s Ton, for instance, will give its users the opportunity of effecting payments right in chats as well, and the messenger will be also decentralized what will provide the security of transactions. Some of you may ask why not to use Telegram’s features for buying and selling transactions with neurobots. Again, the credit for this goes to Hedera Hashgraph with the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technology allowing to speed up processing. That’s one of the reasons why OLPORTAL will be built on top of this fast, secure, and safe platform.

Hedera Hashgraph — The Blockchain Killer

Little by little, we have approached a famous our partner — the Hedera Hashgraph DLT platform. Many people consider it a blockchain killer. Let’s have a look at Hedera’s benefits that can send blockchain to sleep with the fishes.

Hedera Hashgraph is the distributed ledger technology platform based on DAG. The hashgraph technology applied in the project may put an end to blockchain popularity and ubiquity. Hashgraph is a patented algorithm that has advantages similar to those of the traditional blockchain. They are decentralization and data hashing for providing the security. However, its speed of transactions is much higher than in blockchain.

The main advantages of the hashgraph technology over blockchain are as follows:

The speed of transactions reaches the exponent of 250 000 tps. This is in 50 000 times faster (blockchain has 7 tps speed). That’s because the verification in hashgraph doesn’t depend on mining like in blockchain, for example. Directed Acyclic Graph can substitute mining for its gossip protocol. What makes it possible to reach a consensus many times faster without proof of work.

The hashgraph system is fair, which means every participant of the network has equal rights and can be sure their transactions will be processed in due time. If in the blockchain, any user can change the succession of transaction processing, participants of hashgraph won’t be able to influence the process in any way. Due to the virtual voting method, the consensus is reached faster. To facilitate the understanding of the previous sentences, we’d like to quote Edgar Seah, Head of APAC at Hedera Hashgraph:

“Hashgraph is different as it’s not a chain, but a graph. Each member of the community doesn’t have to wait to put in blocks. Individuals just submit these transactions to the network whenever they want, without anything slowing them down. Furthermore, hashgraph has fast latency — it takes only a few seconds for a transaction to be sent out and confirmed (with 100 percent certainty) by the network.”

Next advantage of the Hedera Hashgraph platform is the great possibility of storing big volumes of data as it requires only 1 GB (60 GB data storage size in blockchain for comparison).

Law commission rate is the beloved feature of many Dapps built on top of the platform. Ever more companies are going to move to Hedera Hashgraph to reach the proper performance of their products and OLPORTAL is included in this number as well.

Not all important advantages of this technology over the blockchain are mentioned above. The popularity of the platform is growing day by day, acquiring ever more potential projects, which want to be decentralized on top of it. The Hedera Hashgraph family has more than 100 new and innovative projects today, and this is not the limit.

Will the cooperation of these two projects with disruptive technologies and outstanding ideas result in a real revolution? One thing is for sure, it’s time to make a great leap towards the future. OLPORTAL and Hedera Hashgraph are aware of what technologies should govern days to come.

If you have any questions, you may ask them here For more info on the OLPORTAL project, visit our official site or follow our social media!


Telegram chat







The world's first decentralized marketplace for AI-powered bots. iMe messenger with the Artificial Intelligence dialogue function.