Who are Those People Using OLAI?

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3 min readApr 16, 2018

In fact, every product or idea needs to be surrounded by a big and strong community that will act as a fuel to further development. Besides, without this popularity, any project may be closed very quickly. Before designing or producing something, a person or company should think about two fundamental questions first:

1. Who are people that use this product?

2. Can this project solve their current problems or not?

When answering these two questions, a company or individual can easily single out integral parts of every successful product.

OLPORTAL’s team of developers also wonders about the questions, as we need to indicate the real value of each branch of our giant ecosystem. Let’s consider the case of our OLChat with an integrated OLAI neurobot. After conducting a kind of a small field research, we have found many interesting facts about our community and what problems OLAI will help to solve.

Who Needs OLAI?

Members of OLPORTAL’s community are ordinary users with certain demands and necessities. Every day they face different tasks, one of them are difficult, others are simple. However, they need a uniform application that will be convenient and beneficial for them. The major part of customers installing OLPORTAL are people from 18 to 40. In other words, they are people who use gadgets for communication purpose or financial management constantly. These people look for up-to-date solutions for conducting transactions, converting currencies, and, of course, communicating with friends quicker. Their gadgets are full of applications taking a lot of time and phone memory. In order to manage messages fast enough, OLPORTAL’s team will introduce OLAI neurobots in their chats. They can be helpful for individuals whose dialogues are full of messages and they need to answer too many questions a day.

How Can OLAI Help Our Community?

It is impossible to imagine a contemporary person without a smartphone and one of the most popular applications installed on every phone that is called messenger. People chat with each other constantly to solve some business issues or just have a breezy conversation with friends and relatives. OLPORTAL also represents a messenger with an extended functionality, blockchain technology integration, and Artificial Intelligence implementation. One can find there a unique innovation based on hybrid neural networks and called OLAI. OLAI is a neurobot that learns on user’s dialogues to be able to answer incoming messages
according to all stylistic peculiarities of a user’s speech. Some OLAI, which user can by in OLMarket, will be able to chat in a manner of Grand Master Yoda, Terminator, and other characters to add some freshness to dialogues. Moreover, users can also buy a neurobot trained by another user if this OLAI can fulfill some communication needs of a buyer. Let’s gather all beneficial features of OLAI below. A neurobot OLAI can:

  • assist in managing your dialogues and answering messages in your manner of writing;
  • add some freshness to your dialogues by answering messages in a manner of a movie character, for example;
  • provide users with the possibility to earn some money with little effort.

In the conclusion, we can say that OLAI is helpful for the community not only because it copes with different problems of a contemporary user and ensures some income but also can bring fun during the communication with friends. Why not join the OLPORTAL community to try OLAI first?




The world's first decentralized marketplace for AI-powered bots. iMe messenger with the Artificial Intelligence dialogue function.