Most recent challenging learning experience.

Damilola Ogunsola
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2017

A famous saying goes “learning never ends”!
We only stop learning at death. Thus, all my life has been a tremendous learning experience for me. From the point of birth right up to this very day. As I journey along the road of life, I encounter various situations, circumstances, people and ideas. I reach crossroads and lanes I have never travelled. I endure pains I have never felt. Through it all, one thing has always stood out: I NEVER STOP LEARNING!
I learn from personal experience; I learn from people’s experience. Of the lot of learning experiences, some have proven to be extremely critical to my personal development. Without them, I’d probably not have a story to tell. Of these critical set, a few have been hugely influential in my being who I am today. These ones have helped formed the core of my life.
Of recent importance has been my journey into the world of programming. A few months ago, I would have never thought of myself in this position. But along came Andela Fellowship. Wow!!! This is the opportunity I had waited for. I applied!
Fortunately I got selected. At this point, I had to begin from scratch. I knew not what JavaScript, Python (except the snake), Ruby (except the pearl), or even HTML were. It was a challenge I took up squarely. Learning is never easy. So I tried to give it 130% to achieve success. Off I went on this journey into the programming world, scaling over the first hurdle of the Andela Test only to get knocked off. This was very disheartening.
Courageously, I reapplied for the program, and this time got past the first hurdle, and the second and here I am at the third hurdle. As I prepare to scale through this hurdle, I can look back and say “certainly the road has been rough; it hasn’t been easy; but it has been worth it”. It definitely hasn’t and will not be rosy, there will certainly be times when I just wanna quit. But getting this far is motivation enough to keep going till the very end (thankfully there aint no end, cos it’s gonna be a life-long passion). Learning new languages, new concepts, new technologies and new ways of doing things has been worth the effort.

