Discretion is the Better Part of Valor

Rich Schools
Old Man In The Woods
3 min readJun 29, 2016

On many levels, yesterday was a bad day.

I had to accept the fact that we were not going to finish the entire state, with the time I have available. Yesterday was the first time I was not thoroughly enjoying myself. I was expecting to easily complete 20 miles. The trail was having none of that.

Today is another day, the sun came up, clearer thoughts prevailed, and we pulled out the maps and adjusted our plans once again. With the trail allowing us only about 15 miles a day, that is what we will do.

The new plan is to hike about 15 miles today and camp at a tenting site along the trail. Tomorrow we will hike out to Lehigh Gap and call it a trip. If we were to go further we would not be able to make it to a place for pickup in time for my flight.

So to paraphrase Shakespeare, "Discretion is the better part of valor".

The day's hiking started out great, the hotel had coffee, and as we were walking the 2.5 miles back to the trail head, we were offered a ride. A woman putting things for sale outside her shop asked if we wanted a ride, offered us water, and to use the bathroom. Her husband came out loaded us in his truck and saved us 2 miles.

The people of Wind Gap are awesome.

We made it up the trail with relative ease, the rocks were still slippery but not as bad as yesterday. We met a few hikers that had a look as if to say "I wish I could have made it to town last night".

We hiked on, stopping briefly for lunch at the shelter we were hoping to make it to yesterday. Refilled all our water bottles and our collapsible bottles, and hiked on for about 7 more miles where we set up camp for the night.

Sadly while setting up my tent, I realized that I must have forgotten my air mattress at the hotel last nite.

Could be a rough night’s sleep. Maybe it is time to add a little bourbon to my tea.



Rich Schools
Old Man In The Woods

I’m hiking the Appalachian Trail with my brother Ed.