What the Hell Am I Getting Myself Into?

Rich Schools
Old Man In The Woods
2 min readJun 7, 2016

What the hell am I getting myself into? That is a question that I am sure I will be asking myself many times in the coming weeks. In a mere ten days my brother and I are embarking on a bucket list item, we will be hiking the Appalachian Trail through the entire state of Pennsylvania. This is just the first step in the eventual hiking of the entire trail in sections. Having grown up in Pennsylvania and hiked small portions of the trail it seemed like a logical place to start, with the added benefit of family nearby in case we have really bitten off more than we can chew. The down fall of hiking here first is that the trail in Pennsylvania is some of the toughest parts, so this will be a true test of whether we will have any chance of completing more of the trail in the future. The trail is approximately 240 miles through Pennsylvania, giving the 15 days we have available to hike, we will need to average 16 miles per day. Once again I ask myself, “What the hell am I getting myself into?
This blog will be a place for me to give daily updated for family and friends to know my location and wellbeing, and give me a place to post a few pictures. Check back if you wish to follow the ramblings of an Old Man in the Woods



Rich Schools
Old Man In The Woods

I’m hiking the Appalachian Trail with my brother Ed.