Is “Indecorous” a Word?

Old Movies Are History
3 min readSep 29, 2023


Keira Knightly in the Imitation Game

The Imitation Game is worth watching as it is a well-acted script. It is the story of Joan Clark and Alan Turing, two computer scientists before there were really computers. They helped the Allies win WWII by decoding the Nazi’s Enigma machine. Turing is often credited with creating the first modern computer as a byproduct.

Joan Clark’s contribution is less well-known. The movie is a nice historical document. It does her great service by reminding people that women have actually been in “tech” from the very beginning.

The Turing character is a closeted gay man at a time when it was illegal in Britain to be homosexual. Benedict Cumberbatch plays Alan Turing. Keira Knightley plays Joan Clark. The two characters have a close, even loving relationship in the film. The relationship between the two characters feels authentic and real.

Much of what must have transpired between the two people goes unsaid. Their struggle with morality laws is heart-wrenching. At one point, the Keira Knightley character objects to one of Turing’s suggestions on how to deal with the moral climate. She does so with the following little bit of dialogue.

“…but that would be indecorous,” she says matter-of-factly.

I nearly fell out of my chair. I was familiar with the word, “indecorous”, but mostly in text. I had read it in fiction…

