The Chordaes — ‘It’s Getting Close to Christmas’

PREMIERE | The Chordaes Soar On ‘It’s Getting Close to Christmas’

Randall Radic
Old Pink
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2019


New York City-based folk rock outfit The Chordaes premiere “It’s Getting Close to Christmas” on Medium. A standalone single, the song follows on the heels of The Chordaes’ latest EP, What We Breathe In, produced by Marc Swersky, with tracks mixed by Kevin Killen and Mark Needham.

Popdust’s Jason Scott eloquently summed up The Chordaes, when he wrote, “They aren’t fitting in with anything; they are redefining everything.”

Piloted by singer-songwriter and musician Leo Sawikin, who is equivalent to what was once defined as a Renaissance man, and describes himself as a purist, The Chordaes unique name signifies the chordae tendinae of the heart, what is universally called your “heartstrings.” Sawikin explains, the chordae are “the tendons in your heart that hold the valves to the muscles as it is expanding and contracting. Our name is a statement about the power of music in general, and about how we think. It’s about something that holds the delicate parts of you together.”

Leo Sawikin

He clarifies The Chordaes’ music, saying, “One of the things about this music is that it’s very visceral given the complexity. For me, the key to…



Randall Radic
Old Pink

Randy Radic is a former super model who succumbed to the ravages of time and age. Totally bereft of talent, he took up writing “because anyone can do it.”