Journey to Meet Your Spirit Animal

A shamanic journey to the lower world.

Runa Heilung 🌻
Old Soul Alchemy


A spotted jaguar walking along a tree branch, looking toward the camera.
Image by Robert Feil from Pixabay

The Three Worlds

In the shamanic cosmology, there exist three primary spirit worlds, often represented by the Tree of Life, the lower world (roots), the middle world (trunk), and the upper world (branches).

The Lower World is where animal and nature spirits dwell, and is where we encounter our unconscious, heal psychological and ancestral wounds, learn of past life influences, and discover unrealized potential.

The Middle World is where we live as humans, but also where some human spirits dwell that haven’t moved on. This is where we balance the walk between primal need for survival and security and the corresponding desire for meaning and transcendence.

The Upper World is where higher spirit guides, angelic beings, and ascended masters like Jesus and Buddha reside. This is the world of our becoming, future potential, and possibilities.

The First Journey

Because so much work is done with an accompanying power animal, the first shamanic journey is typically to the lower world realms where the individual meets their personal power animal.

Some people have one primary power animal but other subsequent spirit animals that help…



Runa Heilung 🌻
Old Soul Alchemy

Old Soul Alchemist. Shapeshifter. I use imagery and imagination as agents of transformation. Owner of pubs: Word Herding, Old Soul Alchemy, and Read Write Love