Fuck Off Louis CK

will weldon
Death to Will Weldon
3 min readAug 28, 2018

In the original story that the New York Times wrote about Louis CK’s masturbating in front of women who very much did not want him to there was one part that really stuck out for me, even among the nauseating horrors that surrounded it:

“ When he phoned her, he said he was sorry for shoving her in a bathroom. Ms. Corry replied that he had never done that, but had instead asked to masturbate in front of her.”

I cannot imagine what it would be like to have someone attempt to apologize to you for they violence that they did, only to confess to an entirely separate act of violence. What are you supposed to do with that? If you were worried about about the repercussions of speaking out on behalf of yourself and whether or not anyone would believe you, then buddy you’re going to be extra confident that no one will believe you that he didn’t even remember which thing to apologize to you specifically for.

Louis CK is serial sexual predator. Everyone who has come forward about what he did all have one thing in common, which is being someone he was in a position of power over. He wasn’t jerking off in front of his bosses, or his agents, or the fucking Supreme Court, he was doing in front of younger comics with a lot less power than him, or young production employees. That’s what’s known as a “pattern,” which denotes “predatory behavior.” He’s also shown no real remorse for his victims. His statement “owning up to” what he did mentions multiple times just HOW MUCH these women looked up to him, and how could he LET THEM DOWN, when they LOOKED UP TO HIM SO MUCH. It is, so far, his final act of jacking off in front of people who didn’t want him to; at least this time he had the good sense to make it metaphorical. Several of the women from the Times’ story did say that he contacted them years later to offer an apology (though, in the process of that he still committed little goof ’em ups like “misremembering the act of violence he did to that specific person”) but how sincere can an apology really be if it’s done in private, but publicly the person who’s supposedly sorry for what they did continues to deny what they did for years afterwards?
“Hey, just wanted you to know I’m really sorry about that whole ‘act of sexual violence I committed against you’ thing. I mean, not so sorry that I am willing to suffer any kind of consequences for it, and I’ll continue to reap millions of dollars for art I make that portrays me as the exact opposite kind of person that you know me to be, but hey, I figured you’d be willing to take what you can get.”
Also, his statement does not include the phrase “I’m sorry” or “my apologies,” so, y’know… maybe it missed the mark a little bit.


Louis’ statement ended with the sentence “I will now step back and take a long time to listen.” That was ten months ago. Last night he went up at the Comedy Cellar for the first time since he told us he was going away to learn and to listen. We’ve heard nothing from him since, no rumors or stories about him doing charity work, or giving money to other victims of sexual violence; just radio silence. So, it’s obvious now that he concluded his supposed “confession” to his crimes with a brazen lie, a promise to be better that he obviously in no way meant, and it leaves me wondering what else about that statement isn’t true?

Fuck him. He isn’t safe to have around, he can’t be trusted, and he’ll be fine if he just spends the rest of his life with his money, unwilling to actually accept how it turned out this way for him, a genius, who was just so admired.

P.S. Michael Ian Black sucks.

