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OLI Systems
Rethinking the Energiewende
OLI Systems
Introducing Fractionalized Ownership of Distributed Energy Resources on Distributed Ledger…
Introducing Fractionalized Ownership of Distributed Energy Resources on Distributed Ledger…
With the continuous increase in global energy demand and the scarcity and environmental impact of conventional energy sources, there is a…
Saikesh Erramshetty
Jun 7, 2022
React Todo App Tutorial
React Todo App Tutorial
A ReactJS Tutorial for Building Awesome Todo App
Muhammad Yahya
Jun 2, 2022
OLI dApps Portal
OLI dApps Portal
A collection of Ethereum based dApps
Muhammad Yahya
Jun 2, 2021
Dynamically Building Nested List from JSON data and Tree view with CSS3
Dynamically Building Nested List from JSON data and Tree view with CSS3
A tutorial to dynamically build nested list from JSON data and vertical tree view with CSS3 only
Muhammad Yahya
May 1, 2021
Energy Singularity: A future closer than we would have imagined
Energy Singularity: A future closer than we would have imagined
Over the last few years, peer to peer energy trading has been slowly gathering more and more attention. Initially, it was only the…
Mukund Wadhwa
Jan 14, 2021
The Smart Meter Gateway Part I: The Basics
The Smart Meter Gateway Part I: The Basics
There is hardly any topic in the energy sector being discussed more than metering — and for good reason! Meters are the building blocks for
Felix Foerster
Oct 12, 2020
Why should you care about the digitalization of your electricity?
Why should you care about the digitalization of your electricity?
The Corona pandemic highlighted the lack of foresight we have about the future. Scientists had been warning us for years about the…
Mukund Wadhwa
Sep 6, 2020
Building dApp’s Backend with Node.js and Webpack
Building dApp’s Backend with Node.js and Webpack
A step-by-step tutorial to building the back-end for dApps
Muhammad Yahya
Jul 26, 2020
The Joy of Building Snaps for Python Applications
The Joy of Building Snaps for Python Applications
A tutorial for inter-snap communication using the content interface
Muhammad Yahya
Jun 1, 2020
Test Driven Solidity with Truffle
Test Driven Solidity with Truffle
Unit-Testing of Smart Contracts with Truffle, Ganache, Mocha and Chai
Muhammad Yahya
Nov 22, 2018
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