The Bible for the Aspiring Developer — Part B: Apply, Apply, Apply, Interviews & Review

An article by YourGirlCodes

Zoë Cohen
Olim In Tech
Published in
11 min readFeb 11, 2020


I think that the one of the scariest parts when it comes to actually posting on Medium is realising that Claps actually are synonymous with appreciation — I’m a Medium addict and can say that I have never Clapped in vain. My first article was given 99 Claps — I blush at being able to say this.

(99 is a lot for a first timer).


I am YourGirlCodes, Zoë for short, and an Aspiring Full Stack Web Developer.

Also, author of The Bible for the Aspiring Developer: Part A — Coffee & Group Chats. which consists of an amalgamation of bibles passed down to me, my own experiences and hopefully something you can relate to.

Now, I have Part B.

Catch Up:

  • I have been consumed by perfecting the skills I gained from Commandments 1 and 2, and the following 3 below.
  • I went on a short vacation over New Years and then returned back home to carry on my quest as an Aspiring Developer.
  • I have an intensified caffeine addiction that seems to be growing exponentially and a few new brilliant ideas have been presented to me by recently-met Geniuses introduced to me by previous-article-mentioned Geniuses. Hysterically, and so appreciated is how a new Genius-friend introduced themself to me. Verbatim:

“…I’d love to connect and talk over lunch/coffee, although I’m not a Genius”.

Let me tell you something, this YourGirlCodes-knighted Genius not only shared a wealth of insight, advice and inspiration, but instigated a BrainStorm that could easily be placed high up on the Saffir-Simpson Scale.

Here’s a link to Hummus and Tech — Kevin gave me some fire ideas for future growth.

  • I mentored at a Hackathon hosted by the Bootcamp I was trained at — this was really cool. Mentoring other Aspiring Developers magnified my appreciation for mentors, and their drive to learn more magnified my own drive to learn more. I was able to pass on some newly well-understood React concepts that I wish I had somewhat nailed back then (I would have pushed for React as part of my group’s stack over Vanilla JS — I tried to, but didn’t really have much of an argument to rely on after working with React for 3 days).

A Monumental Explosion also took place. YourGirlCodes actually secured a job. This whirlwind will become its own Medium series.

Now, hopefully you’ve reigned in some solid support from mentors, new friends and well-respected individuals (well respected by you, of course). This is the ‘Network of Human Connection’ procured through Commandments One and Two.

If you haven’t checked out Part A — Coffee & Group Chats, I suggest you do!

Now that we’re caught up, YourGirlCodes presents Commandments Three, Four and Five:

Third Commandment: Freelancing (…?)

My Bible includes this Commandment; however, the Monumental Explosion interrupted this, so the attempt at Freelancing was cut short and my breath of relief (Freelancing made me shake with fear) made me realise that this is actually an important part of The Bible for the Aspiring Developer.

Why? I could imagine the deadlines and end-to-end projects/features could up your confidence since you’ve pretty much got to show up with something — you’re fully being relied on.

Stressful situations improve the way you handle future stressful situations.

Also, it’s a good way to make some cash.

Also, it’s a good way to practice coding.

Also, it’s a good way to get your portfolio moving — keep your GitHub up to date! It shows you’re always working on improving your skills, are dedicated and passionate. (It’s also your code-CV).

Genius who procured My Bible told me that I should apply to a great list of Freelancing websites. The plan was then to document the whole process etc etc. It was never done. There are a plethora of online freelancing websites you’re able to sign up for — just Google it. If you get stuck into it, I’d love to hear about your experience and approach to freelancing as an Aspiring Developer

I’ve missed that boat. I hope to get back onto it at a later stage, but I’ll no longer be Aspiring. (Maybe Inspiring?)

Fourth Commandment: Dealing with Applications (Apply, Apply, Apply)

I put this commandment close to the middle because I think that it is the perfect time to place some emphasis on what is holding The Bible together, what separates Aspiring, Entry-Level and Junior Developers. Applications → Interviews → Job!

This is a Commandment to improve, step up the game, become that Bull with the fire in its eyes. (If you aren’t already)

Your network is a group of Brilliant Brains, and with a Brain comes Opinion — your opinion is not always the right one which stands as a cause to ask for advice.

I’m talking about advice regarding those jobs you’re applying for.

Naturally, there will be a Genius or two who will want to help you in your job search — maybe it is because they believe in you, maybe they just think you’re a legend deserving of a job. Who knows. Some people, I suppose, are just like that.

Let them help you, guide you in this energy-draining and sometimes despair-creating mission. Finding a job is a mission — there is a clear goal, and unless you’re handed a job on a silver plate (something I staunchly am against), it takes a lot to attain it.

Their Brains and Opinions may want to help streamline your motivational/personal bios, for the companies that ask for one. They might know of a good website with decent job postings or even try to secure you an interview.

It’s excruciatingly easy to just apply but it’s a bit harder to apply effectively and efficiently — your time is money at the end of the day.

One Genius sat with me on a couch, helping me apply to and flag job posts on LinkedIn. Now, that was crazy — making me apply to EVERYTHING worth applying to. I thought this Genius had lost a marble or two. Dev-ops positions, fullstack, backend, front-end, junior, middle — everything other than Senior because we did agree that that would actually be silly.

There were certain keywords that needed to stand out, certain requirements that marked the post as irrelevant, maybe the company was questionable. This was all experience and understanding of job applications he had that I didn’t, which is what made me having him with me for that process more efficient.

Bar the fact that we were not only applying for junior full-stack — applying for everything, if you’re not doing some sort of filtering, can be a waste of time.

This Genius has been there for me since before I made this career change, I pray that you find one of those.

Another Genius forwarded me emails that mentioned available jobs.

Another Genius passed my name on as a recommendation to a friend, I met with the friend — the meeting was an interview.

I appreciate the investment these people have made in me, I appreciate the investment they have made in me sans the job-search help too. When people give you positive time of day, they’re investing in you. If we reference imposter syndrome here, if you’re being invested in then surely you are the return. Therefore you are where you need to and are meant to be right now.

Personally, I find LinkedIn and Glassdoor great for job searching — you can refine your search and have emails sent to you comprising any relevant postings.

LinkedIn is a fundamental part of job search. Get your LinkedIn sorted out. Someone in your network would be more than happy to help you out if you need some inspiration or a kick in the right direction. In today’s day, LinkedIn almost means more than your CV.

My advice to you regarding job applications:

Do not just apply. Definitely do not just rely on EasyApply on LinkedIn.

It’s just a different ball-game when you’re Entry-Level. You slip through the cracks.

After speaking to various people and reading a bunch of articles regarding the receiving of CV’s etc, I learned that most times your CV is not even seen as an entry-level developer. A few reasons include the following:

  1. If some sort of ‘crawler’ is in charge of the first round of CV reviewing, you stand no chance. The algorithm purposefully sifts out candidates like us. We have no years of experience. So, even if the list of technologies we are proficient in is three miles long, we are scrapped.
  2. Many companies prefer in-house referrals. I know of companies that only take in CV’s through referrals.
  3. More often than not, our CV’s are not of the right calibre — regarding the depth of information given relating to what the company is looking for. You might have a lot of detailed ‘stuff’, but not enough detail in the right type of ‘stuff’.

So, what do we do?

Here is where the proof is in my pudding..

Private Message.




All the RELEVANT people connected to the job posting.

Human Connection, that is what rules the world — I’m convinced.

Side note: (Monumental Explosion)

This is how I got my job — with the offer being December 25 2019.

Note that this didn’t end my pursuit of passing the ‘Aspiring Developer’ title — I’m still following My Bible. Remember in my previous article I said —

“This ‘limbo’ stage is quite frustrating. It leaves me on the search for a solution, and hopefully the side-effect will be a job. Or maybe the search is for a job and the side effect being a solution.“

— well, finding a job made me realise that this solution digs so much deeper than just finding a job.

My advice continues:

Human Connection is more precious than even the most perfect Diamond, than the most rare gem or most valuable, well, anything.

So, if you’re doing online applications, I’d suggest that you be more aware when selecting the job to apply for and connect with the poster privately.

It might be the HR, it might be the CEO, it could just be a repost by an employee.

  1. Tell them your story and that you have applied (introduction)
  2. Tell them why you have applied — this is important. (interest)
  3. Tell them thank you, and that you look forward to hearing back from them (politeness)

If you cannot put this ‘message’ together fluidly, don’t apply for the job. Or do, and don’t send the message, and don’t expect to get an interview.

Apply attentively if you’re applying online.

Fifth Commandment: Pre and Post Interview (Interview & Review)

This one is pretty personal, and I think it is something that every developer is always trying to master, is struggling with or has struggled with and has possibly has lost sleep over.

I think that coding interviews are one of the main causes of Imposter Syndrome.

I read an article about The Fullstack Developer Interview every single day — I’m not saying I do practice for it every day (which is something I want to start doing — for the technical part), I’m saying that I read other developers’ opinions every single day.

I really enjoy learning about other people and their experiences.

It is a shake-in-your-boots kind of thing for me. I even feel nervous just allowing my mind to wander amongst the thoughts of it. I know that I am not the only one who experiences a wave of anxiety when the topic of ‘Interview Questions’ comes up. Be it algorithms, personality questions, tasks.

For me, it is the algorithms and tasks. I am lucky enough to know that I am fine with the personality questions — self-proclaimed fine — because I don’t know how to be anyone other than myself. I want to be hired by a company who enjoys me, with my quirks and dad jokes. I enjoy the personal part of the interview — I always end up learning something about the person interviewing me.

For instance, the head of HR who interviewed me for the company I am currently working at has a passion that lies in fashion, we both love rose gold, prefer writing notes than typing them, wear glasses and and she loved my new hair-cut when I came back for the second interview. We both have blonde, short hair.

However, when it comes to algorithms, tasks and discussions about concepts or technologies, I struggle to feel myself.

Anxiety has always been something that I’ve struggled with, and so even the take-home tasks affect me — it feels the same at home or in the interview. I know that this is because I register both types of tasks as the same — interview tasks, monitored tasks, constantly judged tasks.

It is the topic that makes me feel extremely separate from the industry, lagging behind unable to keep up.

Therefore, this Commandment comes from personal experience.

— Prepare for the interview through improving at the algorithms and small tasks, knowing that you’ve practiced subconsciously creates belief in yourself.

— Try to keep consistent on projects, being able to talk about something you’re currently working on or have recently completed is a great boost for your interview-ego. Have pride in your work, have work to be proud of. This breeds belief in yourself, especially mid-interview when you’re thrown a question regarding what you actually ‘do’ to show that you’re autodidactic, a hard worker or how you’ve overcome a bug. You need relevant ‘stuff’ to talk about, that actually makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something during this Limbo period.

Belief in yourself turns into the soldier who fights the Imposter Syndrome.

— De-brief post-interview.

— Write down the feelings you experienced, whatever you did for the technical interview, your honest opinion regarding what note you think the interview ended on.

In Commandment One I mention having a mentor who can help you decode the interview. I think that this is important. Human to human support.

Learn from all the interviews, learn about your strengths and weaknesses and external perception of your persona. Other people see you differently than the way you see yourself. It does not mean that if you failed the interview you’re a bad person, it means that you definitely didn’t gel with the company.

What is that company’s culture? Would you want to fit in there? If yes, how could you improve as a person? If not, great — maybe the next will be a match.

Remember that an entry-level developer’s interview is a bit different to any other.

The interviewer is not necessarily looking for the perfect talent, candidate with the cleanest code and most deep knowledge of data structures. As an Aspiring Developer, a company is looking for a diamond in the rust — they’re looking to hire future potential and a good fit — not the candidate who can solve the whiteboard algorithm question testing every edge case and refactoring for time efficiency.

Unless they are, then that is their culture. If you’re that Aspiring Developer, you’ll find your perfect fit too.

I’ve been told that you can teach all the technical stuff, but you can’t teach personality. I’ve also been told that some just have it, and you can’t teach that either. If you’ve got both, you’re a rare gem.

If you had to translate yourself into a description of company culture, how would you?

This is something I’ve thought about a lot. It made me feel better about the failed interviews, and about the long commute to my job that I spent 3 months searching for full-time. Also, think about the type of Head Developer you would want to have if you were able to curate one yourself.

I’ll leave you on that note.

We have three Commandments added to The Bible for the Aspiring Developer, with a total of Five.

— — — YourGirlCodes

(Follow me so that we can move forward out of limbo together — and so that you can easily be alerted of commandment 6)ëcohen

