Beautiful Spaces Made Easy

Chan Park
Oliver Space
Published in
3 min readJun 6, 2019

Introducing Oliver: A new way to create your space

Fast forward to the ‘ahh’ moment

After 26 moves over the past 32 years, I have lived in 5 countries, 12 cities, and countless apartments. Yet, I’ve only felt truly at home in two places.

The first was my house growing up in suburban New Jersey, where my parents took care of all the interior design decisions. I’m sure everyone remembers the settled feeling of their childhood home.

The second was my furnished apartment in Singapore, where I last lived. I went from picking up the keys to fully settled in 20 minutes flat — unpacked my two suitcases of clothes, put away my toothbrush, lined up my books on the bookshelf, (JK, I didn’t have any books in that suitcase!) and plopped down on my new sofa. I felt like I had experienced magic. I hadn’t expected much from a furnished apartment halfway across the world from home, but the interior design was elegant and comfortable with thoughtful attention to detail.

An ‘ahh’ moment I will never forget.

For both places, someone else had done the hard work of making design choices, figuring out the hairy logistics, and purchasing all the furniture.

Today, we’re excited to unveil Oliver, a company Christian and I started late last year to make beautiful spaces incredibly easy. We want to fast forward you to the ‘ahh’ moment of your own.

Enter, Oliver: A new way to create your space

Our product combines thoughtful design with the flexibility of renting — carefully curated furniture and home decor accessories at a super reasonable monthly price. You can even choose to own these items at the end, by paying the difference between retail price and your rental fees. Think of it like a car lease, but for your interiors and much more affordable.

The true magic though, comes from us doing all the heavy lifting for you — from narrowing down design choices to free delivery, assembly, and end-of-term removal — all you have to do is have some fun mixing and matching different pieces on our moodboard, and a few days later, start coming home every day to an awesome space you’re truly proud of.

Everyone deserves a beautiful space, and it doesn’t have to be so hard.

In the past decade, we have witnessed numerous innovative companies transform major consumer categories to provide greater access to convenience, style, and self-expression.

Look no further than Rent the Runway, which has changed the game for one of the most basic human essentials: the wardrobe. RTR has given women the freedom and access to try out different styles of clothes for a low rental fee, versus the cognitive burden of choosing the perfect piece out of a million options and the hefty price tag, especially when each dress or jacket ends up sitting in the closet 90% of the time. As a result, how we dress and express ourselves has started to fundamentally change.

When it comes to furnishings and home decor, access to great interiors is still aspirational at best. They cost a lot, with too many options to choose from. Styling is complicated, and so are the logistics of delivery, assembly, and moving. It’s time to pivot.

So go ahead, try us out. We’re available all throughout the Bay Area, for now.

Til Oliver spaces are beautiful,

Chan Park, Co-founder & CEO

