Going through my saved posts

Oliver Thylmann
Oliver Thylmann’s Thoughts
2 min readOct 28, 2018

This always happens at the moment. I read something, save it somewhere and then it ends up on a giant list. From time to time I go through this and wonder how to share it and write down my thoughts and it often ends up being a blog post. So there we go.

One thing I am following a bit is Zoox. For those that do not know, they are reinventing the car in an autonomous world. My easiest example is, as you do not have a steering wheel, there is no back or front. CNBC has a video about Zoox and general autonomous driving that gives a good overview. Anyway, they had a busy few months, raising $500m at a $3.2b valuation, they lost their CEO. If you are still interested, there is a good piece on Bloomberg about Zoox.

When I find more time I have to digg deeper into the Cannabis industry. The first IPO happened on NASDAQ and a few days after legalising Cannabis Canada is running out of the stuff. In Cologne, Cannamedical is pushing hard into the market with great success. This is a really interesting space from many angles.

On the infrastructure side, Facebook has replaced Zoo Keeper for managing its servers,

Going into Crypto, there is a new app to login to MyEtherWallet, which is likely a good thing. We are still a long way away from really simple and distributed wallets. Coinbase is nice but it’s one central glob. Also listen to this podcast with Vitalik Buterin.

Continuing with the money game, Fred Wilson writes about Opportunity Zones in the US where investments are incentivised also linking to a map of where they are.

On the Gear Front, Peak Design is releasing their Travel Backpack. I myself love the Everyday Backpack and don’t need a bigger one, but if you like the idea of an extendable travel backpack, take a look. Headphones probably being my second problem area, Audeze has released closed back ones and the open back ones seem to be simply amazing (-ly expensive) but I tend to listen to loud music and it would drive people next to me crazy if I had open headphones. Speakers… this seems to be the next ones to get: Devialet Phantom. For the privacy minded among you, there is now an email server that you can use. Your own Helm.

As some of you might know, we at Giant Swarm are also running Kubernetes clusters for customers in Mainland China, hence the intersection of tech and china is somehow on my radar. I had to smile/frown/shiver when I read that Apple’s iCloud data is handled by China Telecom. I thought Apple would be better. Also interesting, the thought to be dead Docker raised $92 million.

There you go, happy reading. Next up next week… ok, never mind, I know it will not happen, still trying to see if I blog more often :)



Oliver Thylmann
Oliver Thylmann’s Thoughts

Father, Serial Entrepreneur, Developer Whisperer and currently Co-Founder @giantswarm and Co-Host of the Crypto Nerd Show Podcast