Two Weeks in Chile

I just spent two weeks in Chile, meeting the extended family and visiting at least parts of a country that has found a place in my heart. It has to be said that always seeing mountains, and being close to the pacific, with lots of diverse nature, is a very nice setting. While one could write a lot about the Atacama Desert, or the Pacific Coast and Zapalar, it is easier to just post a few photos because it was a long time since I enjoyed taking photos so much. Sit back, and enjoy.

The power of waves of the pacific is mind boggling.
The power of waves of the pacific is mind boggling.
And Zapallar is just beautiful.
Listening to the pacific at sun down is a must.
I loved the nature in general and interplay of flowers and rocks and water.
Atacama Desert is diverse beyond belief.
Visited a wonderful Canyon in the Desert.
Geysirs were thrilling.
It looks like a different world.
Welcome to Mars.
Having breakfast in nature.
The Pelikan’s at the Chiringuito in Zapallar

I might post some more photos some time. For now, I think it gives you an idea of just a tiny amount of the wonders of the country.



Oliver Thylmann
Oliver Thylmann’s Thoughts

Father, Serial Entrepreneur, Developer Whisperer and currently Co-Founder @giantswarm and Co-Host of the Crypto Nerd Show Podcast