Much like my favorite TV show…

Oliver Keller
Oliver’s Blog about Nothing
2 min readOct 22, 2018

this blog is about nothing, just life’s observations. It may make you laugh, shake your head, care, or not, as it is nothing but my stories as a man, husband, stepfather, father of two furry kids, serial entrepreneur and CEO of a tech startup.

So how did I get here? Simple.

Russ, a good friend, encouraged me to write a blog to share myself with the world. LOL, to which I sincerely responded, “what could I possibly have to say that would matter to anyone.”

His reply was immediate and to the point. “Think of all the dynamics that you encounter every day as the founder and CEO of a tech startup up. Now add to that the dynamics of being a stepdad, who has inherited a huge responsibility for two boys and by default, inherited their father aka your wife’s ex-husband. This is a dynamic of complicated emotions, responsibilities, and observations that very few can understand and therein lies the value of what you can share, openly, honestly and with relevance”.

After a bit of reflection, I agreed to at least explore the idea and started having fun with it, finding it therapeutic in its approach. Now having spent a bit of time contemplating and outlining the stuff that happens and matters, the lessons learned, if you will, I hate to admit, but I believe Russ was right. Many moments are just too funny or sad, big or small, real or just merely the stories we tell ourselves hiding from the truth and the real why.

So, now a little bit about Oliver Keller, the reluctant author of this blog. First, I actually hate to write and type. I am of the firm belief that anything more than two sentences warrants a conversation. Second, I am an only child who was raised by a stepfather. My stepdad, Kurt passed away at the young age of 89, seven years ago and I miss him every day. He is my hero and my idol, and as I was contemplating the idea of this blog, I had to smile, because he and I now share the same experience, 40 years apart.

It was at that point that I realized that I can share the legacy he left with me, while I create my own with my two boys, sharing life’s situations and learning with those who care to indulge this blog. I love the TV show Seinfeld, a show about nothing, yet full of observations and lessons, which serves as the foundation for this my very own writing experiment, a blog filled with stories, lessons learned and observations about nothing, so stay tuned as here goes nothing.



Oliver Keller
Oliver’s Blog about Nothing

Managing Partner & C.E.O. of Synlio. Synlio addresses one inarguable fact, #RFPsSuck. See how Synlio’s RFP Automation solution has reimagined the RFP Process.