The Rebrand, part I: Why We Rebranded

Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2018

27 June 2018, Wednesday. This is the day we officially launch as Ollie. Want to know how we went about the entire process? Starting today, we’re taking you on our journey of the rebranding. This is part I of the Rebrand Series.

Cloud Studio was born

5 March 2012, Monday morning. It was dark and cloudy on our first day, but we were all very excited. We’d picked a name that seemed like it was made for this day: Cloud Studio. Throughout the years, I think we’re allowed to say that we built a good reputation for ourselves. But to be fair, our look was rather neutral and corporate looking, something that doesn’t stroke at all with who we actually are. Cloud Studio was like the perfect son in law, executing exactly what people wanted, but we were more than that…

“The gang” back in the days. Gil, Jonas , Tinus, Miguel, Carla, Tinus, Thomas

As the years passed by, we felt that we had so much more to offer. Our team went also through a couple of changes. As you can see, people came and went while a few other familiar faces stayed put and created the core team of today. By doing hard work and failing a lot, we started seeing patterns, things that worked, things that didn’t work. We knew that we could be more valuable to our clients. And honestly, we weren’t the only ones who felt this way; our clients did too. It didn’t take long before people came to us with all kinds of questions, asking us for advice. We started realising that strategy is what makes the difference.

Slowly but surely, Cloud Studio outgrew its ‘perfect son in law’ appearance. We became more confident, tougher and, overall, a just more interesting agency. More and more people found their way to us with the bigger problems. Not to brag, but we became really really good at it. And our clients seemed to like who we’d become, even though we still looked the same as when we started out 6 years ago. Time for a change we thought and so we began the story of our rebrand…

Want to follow us on the journey of our rebrand? Make sure to keep up with our Rebrand Series next week!

