The Rebrand, part II: The Strategy

Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2018

This is part II of our Rebrand Series. Haven’t read part I yet? Read it here.

Our brand strategist Stef, leading the Why session in Amsterdam

December 2017, we finally took the plunge. We sat around the table and figured out what we were going to do. It was a long process, but oh so exciting. There were two things we were absolutely certain about: 1. Cloud Studio’s personality was corporate and overall not very interesting, 2. That’s not who we are; we changed, our services changed and our team changed. Now, the only thing left to do, was to create a strong strategy and to execute it.

We started out with the questions we normally ask our clients: who are we, who are our competitors, whom do we want to reach, what is our personality… The answers were pretty straightforward to us. We won’t bore you with all the details, but here are the three main points that came out of our brainstorming session.

1. Why we do things

Our why hasn’t really changed. We still believe in the power of branding to connect brands with their true fans. And we still believe that the right way to do this is through a strong strategy and a compelling design. We want to help create authentic brands, uncovering the human truth behind them. But to be able to do this for others, we need to practice what we preach and uncover our human truth. After all, a brand would be nothing without the people behind it and the people we do it for.

2. How we do things

As briefly discussed in part I, we found out that the value we offered to our clients was in strategy and design. We could really make the difference for them in these two fields. Throughout the years, we grew tremendously in creating strong strategies and designs, and became really passionate about it. We decided that from now on, our focus would lie on offering solid strategy and flawless designs. Bringing out the true talents of our team could only be an advantage to us and our clients.

Oh, and if you’ve been following us for a while, you may have noticed that we changed our working language to English. Besides the fact that our communication on branding already happened in English most of the time, there was another reason for this shift. Changing our language opened a lot of opportunities for us, since we’re no longer confined to our national borders. After all, the power of branding doesn’t stop at the border, does it?

3. What’s our look?

After brain crunching on the why and how, we could move on to the visuals. How could we create a match between who we were and what the brand should look like? We began by defining our personality: bold, humble and in for a laugh. This should also be portrayed in our visual look. Time to roll up our sleeves and really put things into action!

Next week we’re taking you with us on the name-picking journey. You might already know the name we ended up with, but, as a wise man once spoke: it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey to it.

