The Rebrand, part IV: The Identity

Published in
3 min readJul 17, 2018

This is part IV of our Rebrand Series. Haven’t read part III yet? Read it here.

Now that we worked out how we were going to do things and how we would name ourselves, the next big thing was to translate Ollie’s quirky, bold and straightforward personality into a matching visual identity. Finally time to let our creative ideas on the loose!

Myriad Pro with a twist

After some initial sketching on paper and getting all the typical “logo clichés” out of our system, we stumbled upon the standard recommended font in Illustrator and Photoshop, Myriad Pro. Our first instinct was to scroll down to find a unique font, but instead we chose to stick with Myriad Pro and give it our own Ollie twist and make it unique. Sometimes the thing you’re looking for lies right in front of you, and this time it certainly was.

Our angle cut business cards

To begin with, we changed up the letter ‘O’. We turned it into a full circle to make the name look bolder in general. We also wanted a bit of our quirkiness in the logo, so we slightly rotated the ‘e’. This motif is repeated in each ‘l’, where the top is slanted in the same angle as the ‘e’. A nice little feature we also added into our business cards.

Our meeting room: where ideas come to life. See how the post-its catch the eye?

As you can see, we didn’t add a lot of color to our visual identity. The minimalistic color palette balances out the quirkiness in our identity, but also represents the boldness of Ollie. The black and white theme is included everywhere: from our office to our website. This turned out to be quite handy when doing our brand sessions where we use tons of post-its!

Our identity in a nutshell. Each image represents a value Ollie stands by (click on the image to read them) .

P.S. Here’s a little bonus to end the series: watch our logo come to life in this little animation👇

This was the last part of our Rebrand Series. But hey don’t worry, we still have some other articles in the making! Meanwhile, we’re also active on a bunch of other social media. Follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Dribbbleand Behance. And of course, feel free to check out our website.

Until the next one! 👋

