Olympus Labs 2017 in Review: Expanding Global Awareness

Olympus Labs
Olympus Labs
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2017

2017 had been an exciting year for the cryptosphere — the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies has reached a historic milestone of over US$600 billion. Similarly for Olympus Labs, it has also been a fruitful year. We have several strategic partners and advisors onboard — including the most recent one with Collinstar Capital. We have also left our footprints all around the world: starting from our first event hosted with Coinnest in South Korea, a meetup with Precursor Ventures and Forbes U30 Celebration in New York, co-hosting an event with the Lakers in Los Angeles, hosting Bitfwd the largest Blockchain hackathon in Australia, panel discussion about the future of cryptocurrency with industry experts in Singapore to finally the most notable event where we shared the stage with Vitalik Buterin and other founders of successful blockchain companies at the Asia Pacific Ethereum Community Meetup in Shenzhen, China.

We are thankful to our supportive community who made our journey so memorable thus far. Let’s recap the achievements and milestones we conquered with you, our dearest community.


Collinstar Capital

We are excited to announce our strategic partnership with Collinstar Capital, a distinguished asset management firm that created one of the first Blockchain asset funds in the Asia-Pacific region. Apart from being our VC investor, they will also provide a specialised advisory solution for Olympus Labs. Some of the notable companies under their portfolio include: OmiseGo, Qtum, Quantstamp, Power Ledger, Salt, Hcash.

Collinstar Capital has a proven track record for launching successful blockchain projects, and we look forward to working with them.


Asia Pacific Ethereum Meetup with Vitalik Buterin and other founders of successful blockchain companies

Shenzhen, China

It was a star studded event at the Asia Pacific Ethereum Meetup in Shenzhen where we shared the stage with Vitalik Buterin and other founders of successful blockchain companies such as Kyber Network, OmiseGo and Bluezelle. Kai, our CEO, shared with the Ethereum community on the topic about: ‘Cryptocurrency as an asset class’. We were honoured to be able to share our views on the future development on the Ethereum network together with key influencers of the community.

Coinnest Association Meetup (CAMUP)

South Korea

The Coinnest Association Meetup (CAMUP) marked the start of community building in South Korea and we really loved the enthusiasm of our South Korean community. 사랑 합니~ Kai also sat down and discussed with the CEO of Coinnest on exploring the future of cryptocurrency and bringing cryptocurrency products to market together as strategic partners.To catch what they shared about, refer to here.

Panel discussion: The Future of Cryptocurrency Trading


In our very first meetup with the Singapore Community, we discussed about the Future of Cryptocurrency Trading with industry experts in the field, including Katherine (Head of Marketing at Quoine), Peter Sin (Experienced Crypto trader and President of Singapore Bitcoin Club), Kenneth Tan (Founder of Fundyourselfnow), moderated by Branson Lee (Committee of Singapore Fintech Association). It was a heated yet meaningful debate not just amongst the panelists, but also with the audience about the future development of cryptocurrency trading, especially with Bitcoin futures and crypto derivatives being the latest buzzwords among the community. For a quick recap of the panel discussion, please refer to here.

Bitfwd Blockchain Hackathon & Cryptomas with Bitfwd

Melbourne, Australia

In partnership with University of New South Wales, Olympus Labs sponsored Bitfwd, the largest blockchain hackathon in Australia. This part of our initiative to grow our developer community with the ultimate aim of grooming blockchain projects with disruptive potential.

Forbes U30 Celebration

New York City, United States

The Forbes ’30 Under 30’ Celebration convenes the greatest young entrepreneurs and game changers to celebrate the burning desire of the youth to reinvent the world. We are very honoured to be invited to join some of the world’s brightest minds to exchange world-changing ideas and foster collaboration among one another.

Olympus Labs x Lakers Event

Los Angeles, United States

Yes, Olympus Labs has connections everywhere — even the NBA stars!

After a private invite-only session where the Lakers joined the Olympus Labs team for fine food and drinks, the team also joined in to support at the Lakers’ Game!

For more information on the events we held, please refer here.

Growth in worldwide community

In the past few months, our community grew from nothing to 6,000+ members. To us, it is a testament to the increasing interest and support of the community towards Olympus Labs. A huge thanks to all our early supporters and followers for being with us throughout this journey. We will reward you guys very very soon — stay tuned for our official announcements. We have also grown to three languages where we have our Korean, Russian and Japanese speaking community and we will definitely be expanding this in the near future.

Olympus Labs All Stars

Olympus rabbit, goddess, santa… what’s next? Hope our Olympus Labs Stars have showered you with enough MOT and Olympus swag. Stay tuned to our official telegram channel for reveil who will be the next Olympus Labs Star and trust me, it will definitely bring you some goodies ;)

Something is brewing… upcoming global tour

Olympus Labs is going to even more places! We will be starting our global tour in mid-January 2018 and we are excited to see you!

Thank you once again for being with us throughout and the Olympus Labs Team wishes you a Happy New Year! Here’s to a greater year ahead with many exciting events lined up!

