Olympus Labs tokens MOT now available for trading on Radar Relay

Olympus Labs
Olympus Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2018

Olympus Labs has been listed on Radar Relay to enable trustless trading on wallets without a middle man

With this, traders looking to trade MOT seamlessly without a centralized exchange will be able to do so on Radar Relay, ensuring that they can buy and sell MOT without an account, limits or deposits.

“We are very excited that we are now available on Radar Relay, offering MOT to the community,” said Kai Chen, CEO of Olympus Labs. “As a protocol enabling decentralized creation of cryptocurrency offerings ourselves, we are highly aligned with the mission of Radar Relay.”

Radar Relay enables their users to start trading immediately by connecting their MetaMask or Ledger Nano S wallet, bypassing the long account creation process, token custody and closed systems of a centralized exchange. With this, buyers of Olympus Labs’ tokens MOT can seamlessly trade the token on the peer-to-peer relayer.

“We believe that MOT traders will benefit immensely from a non-custodial wallet-to-wallet trading experience, powered by the 0x protocol. With MOT on Radar Relay, users maintain custody of their tokens throughout the entire process and can trade without the hassle of transferring to and from multiple exchanges,” said Connor Herman, Director of Token Analysis at Radar Relay.

Olympus Labs recently released their Index Basket Buying Tool, using which investors can buy a bundle of tokens with a single click on the Olympus app. With their tokenomics structure, investors use MOT throughout the creation and purchase of the various cryptocurrency offerings. As the number of cryptocurrency offerings on Olympus Labs grows, investors will benefit from increased liquidity and access to MOT across multiple exchanges and within the app itself.

About Radar Relay

Radar Relay facilitates wallet-to-wallet trading using an open order book. There are no accounts, no limits, and no deposits.

For more information about Olympus Labs:

To learn more about the project, please visit www.olympuslabs.io

To invest in the project, you can buy MOT in the Olympus app or on Kyber, Radar Relay, OKEx, and Bibox
To support the project, you can join us on social media:
Telegram chat: https://t.me/olympuslabs
Twitter: twitter.com/olympuslabsbc
Chinese Telegram: OlympusLabsChina

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