5 ways (and more) Messenger chatbots can improve Ecommerce performances

Ecommerce can benefit from a correct use of Messenger chatbots. Here are some of the best functions.

4 min readDec 19, 2017


In 2016 Facebook introduced bots for Messenger Platform, allowing anyone to launch a chatbot on the platform. Since then, brands have begun to test the potential of this new feature. Ecommerce are one of the online realities that can benefit the most from the use of Messenger chatbots. In fact, chatbots allow you to create a permanent touchpoint and a dynamic communication with users. Moreover, they are a relatively new tool and users are always curious to test innovative platforms.

In this article we’ll cover:

  • How the user experience impact on the performances of an ecommerce?
  • Why ecommerce should start to use Messenger chatbots?
  • Conclusions

How the user experience impact the performance of ecommerce?

A user who is satisfied with a website experience is a user who will continue to use its services and, ultimately, increase its revenues. One of the key aspects of marketing is word-of-mouth, which is created when a user is particularly satisfied (or dissatisfied) with a service. When user’s experience with an ecommerce is positive there’s a real chance that he or she will become a brand ambassador. The possible variables that determine a satisfied user are usually related to the following aspects: website experience, checkout experience, shipping information and customer service. Messenger chatbots can intervene to improve the last steps of e-commerce/user communication, those usually designated to email marketing or apps.

We built Olyo thinking in large part of the needs of ecommerce. We know how important it is to give users a good online experience, but above all we know how essential it is to maintain a constant touchpoint with them. Ecommerce usually contact buyers and those who have not completed a transaction via email. This form of communication marketing has been used so much that users are now starting to ignore this type of communication. Ecommerce must find a new way to remain relevant to their users. We believe that this new road are Messenger chatbots.

Why Ecommerce should start to use Messenger chatbots?

Messenger chatbots can help ecommerce to improve their customer experience and, ultimately, their performances. We have selected five possible correct uses of Facebook chatbots for this purpose. With Olyo, all the points below are achievable.

  1. Shipping information: once the order has been completed, users can receive the parcel tracking information and the day and time scheduled for delivery directly on Facebook Messenger. In this way all useful information is contained in a single message and the user feels more of a personal connection with the company. Usually, in order to receive the necessary information, a user must log in to a personal e-commerce account. Sending a message on Facebook Messenger helps users to have a more simple and intuitive experience.
  2. Upselling & cross-selling: remarketing is one of the most powerful tools of online marketing. So why not use it even in a one-to-one conversation? A good way to increase conversions through Facebook Messenger is to remind users what they have previously bought and then suggest new items or services that they may like, maybe by setting some matches between products.
  3. Send mass messages: Messenger chatbots can also be used to send private messages to all your contacts. Whether launching a new collection, announcing a promotion or sending wishes, using a Messenger chatbot can be an innovative and functional idea. Keep in mind that Messenger contents are opened 12 times more than an emails!
  4. Cart recovery: an abandoned cart can still be a source of revenue. Through Messenger chatbots an ecommerce may remind users of the items that are still in their shopping cart and ask them if they are willing to proceed with the purchase, do nothing or clean the cart. This is an incredible opportunity for ecommerce. These businesses usually remind users that they have items in the cart via email, which is not very effective, or through remarketing advertising, which involves additional costs. By sending automated messages on Facebook, ecommerce may overcome these two obstacles, ensuring relevance with no additional expense.
  5. a / b testing: some Messengers chatbots, including Olyo, allow you to send multiple message variables to a group of contacts, so you can test what version is more effective on your target. Once you understand it, you can send a more effective message to optimize conversions. This type of function is typical of email marketing and online advertising, which, as we saw in point 4, can be easily replaced by Messenger chatbots.

Starting to use a Messenger chatbot, ecommerce can also have positive effects on the perception that users have of their services. In fact, in this way ecommerce can:

  • differentiate from competitors and have a technological advantage on them;
  • create curiosity in users, so they will be willing to use the bot to find out its features;
  • create an interpersonal exchange site with individual users, where all past messages will remain visible as in a conversation between friends.


When you run an ecommerce it’s crucial to build a digital marketing strategy. You cannot hope that your online business will be successful without having a strong and well-thought strategy. Over the years, Facebook has become an indispensable channel for ecommerce digital marketing strategy, becoming a social mass media. Usually ecommerce use Facebook in the most traditional way for a business, such as having a presence on the channel with a Fan page, sponsoring contents with Facebook Ads, and dealing with customer care. Through Messenger chatbots ecommerce can, on the one hand, differentiate themselves from competitors and prove to be innovative and attentive to users’ needs; on the other hand, they can increase their performance by using a tool which is not very used so far and which, therefore, allows a better response from users.



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Olyo is the platform that allows businesses to do direct marketing via Facebook Messenger. Currently in private beta. Request an invitation on www.olyo.com