Object-Oriented Analysis And Design — Interaction Models (Part 4)

Showing the interactions between the components of a system, or between the system and other systems.

Omar Elgabry
OmarElgabry's Blog
6 min readMar 19, 2017


The Interaction of H20— fastly.kastatic.org

This is a series of articles on Object-Oriented Analysis And Design. The full series of articles can be found here.

Interaction models shows the interaction between the components of a system, or between the system being developed and other systems (or users).

  • Modeling user interaction is important as it helps to identify user requirements.
  • Modeling system to system highlights the communication problems that may arise.
  • Modeling component interaction helps us understand if the proposed system structure is likely to deliver the required non-functional requirements.

We’re going to cover user case and sequence diagrams. Each present the interactions at different level of detail.

  1. Use case diagram mostly use to model the interactions between system and external actors (users or other systems).
  2. Sequence diagram are used to model interactions between system components.

Use Case Diagram

The use case diagram is widely used to support requirements elicitation.

We’ve covered the user case diagram along with scenarios in detail in Requirements Elicitation & Analysis.

Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams are primarily used to model the interactions between the users and the objects in the system, and between the object themselves.

It’s used to give an overview of a specific parts of the system, a specific use case, actually the important ones, or the unclear parts of the system. So, you don’t have to sketch out every single interaction in the system.

It’s worth mentioning that it either shows generic form or a specific form of a use case. A generic form shows all possible sequence of interactions to all the scenarios (conditions) of a use case, while a specific form shows the sequence of interactions of one scenario.

Furthermore, we may end up with going back to your class diagram, and start refine, or adding new classes.

Here is an example on the sequence diagram. We’ll go through each part of it.

Sequence Diagram



Describe the users or other system that are involved in the interactions.


Horizontal Boxes

Represents the participating objects.

Horizontal Boxes

Vertical Dotted Lines

Represents the time, the life-line, or the existence of an object over a certain period of time. It increases as we go down.

Vertical Dotted Line

Rectangular Box on the life-line

Represents an activation of an object. It’s the time period during which the object performs an operation.

So, the life-line just denotes the object existence, while activation denotes the object is performing operation as well.



Objects communicate and interact with each other by sending messages. It could be a method call, or returned value.

Message could be read from the left to right, or, from right to left. But, life-line is from top to the bottom.

Method Call

It could be a method call to the receiving object. This sketched by drawing a solid arrow from the caller object to the receiving object. The method call is done during the life-line of the caller object.

This mostly denotes that there is a relationship between the caller object, and the receiving one. And so the caller object can trigger any public method defined in the receiving object class.

Method Call

You can add a condition on the arrow says that this message won’t be sent unless the condition is true.


When arrow points to an object box, this means a new instance of this object will be created.

New Instance

Returned Value

When you are expecting a response, dashed arrow (stick head) represents the returned value. Only show the dashed arrow (stick head) if it’s important.

Returned Value

Self Delegation

An operation or a method within the same object’s class.

Self Delegation

Types of Messages

Synchronous Message

It’s a message where the caller object has to wait for the receiving object to finish execution.

It always has an associated return values or acknowledgement of being successfully completed. So, object will still in activation until it receives a respond.

Synchronous Message

Simple Message

A message that transfer control from the sender to the recipient object.

It’s one way message. An example for that is the return from synchronous message. The return message transfers the control to the sender object.

Simple Message

Asynchronous Message

The caller object doesn’t have to wait for the receiving object to finish execution. The arrow in this case is shown as an open arrowhead.

Asynchronous messages are common in concurrent, real time systems, in which several objects operation in parallel

We won’t show the asynchronous message here, but you may find it later.

Objects in Sequence Diagram

Objects Created And Destroyed

We can end the lifetime of an object, after finishing it’s job, by putting the letter ‘X’ as show below, so, the object won’t exist anymore.

These objects are created on the fly to control sequence of interaction, and deleted once it’s finished. So, their life-line start from the point of creation to the point of destruction.

Objects created and destroyed

Objects Created And Won’t Be Destroyed

Remember? when we said that when an arrow points to an object box, this means a new instance of this object will be created.

Those are the objects that are created, but they won’t be destroyed. Not all of the objects that are created should be deleted.

There isn’t such kind of objects in this diagram, but imagine that the RegisterationForm object has been created but it’s not destroyed.

Objects Neither Created Nor Destroyed

Those are the objects where their life-time extends from the top to the bottom of the diagram.

Objects neither created nor destroyed

Conditional & Looping Interaction


If there is different actions to take place based on different conditions, you can surround these action with what’s called “alt” frame. So, you will show the interactions in case of both conditions.



If there are messages that need to happen multiple times, you can surround this with what’s called a “loop” frame.




Omar Elgabry
OmarElgabry's Blog

Software Engineer. Going to the moon 🌑. When I die, turn my blog into a story. @https://www.linkedin.com/in/omarelgabry