Spring: A Head Start 🔥 — Spring AOP Framework (Part 4)

The separation of cross-cutting concerns from the business logic.

Omar Elgabry
OmarElgabry's Blog
3 min readSep 12, 2017


Spring: A Head Start 🔥 — Spring AOP Framework

The AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) in Spring was discussed earlier in Spring: A Head Start 🔥 — Introduction (Part 1).

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) basically helps you to decouple cross-cutting concerns from the objects that they affect.

AOP Terminologies

AOP has some terminologies and concepts that one should be familiar with.

  • Aspect: A module (class) where you define a cross-cutting concern code.
  • Joint Point: It’s a point in the application where where an aspect can be plugged in.

💡It could be a method being called, an exception being thrown, or a field being modified.

  • Advice: The actual code (i.e. method) of the aspect to be executed at different, and any join points. It has 5 different types.
  • Pointcut: It defines at what join points, the associated advice(s) should be executed.

Types of Advice

  • before →Run advice before the method execution.
  • after → Run advice after the method execution, regardless of its outcome.
  • after-returning →Run advice after the method execution, only if the method completes successfully.
  • after-throwing → Run advice only after the method throws an exception.
  • around →Run advice before and after the advised method is invoked.


Spring supports the XML syntax, or syntax based on “AspectJ”, which uses Java code to implement custom aspects.

To get our hands dirty, and understand what we can do with AOP Framework, let’s implement a Logging aspect using XML syntax.

The User Class

This is just a simple class so we can fire the advice code of an aspect at different points; at different methods in the User class.

The Aspect — Logging

This is a simple aspect module which defines the methods to be called at different points.

💡retVal is the returned value from the joint points (methods) where the aspect is applied. In our case, If the joint point is on getName() method of User class, then retVal will be assigned to the user’s name.

The Configurations

Basically, we need to define the aspect, and reference the aspect bean. So, obviously, the aspect class has to be defined as a bean.

Then, for each aspect, we define the Pointcuts, which determine the join points (i.e. methods) where the advice(s) will be executed.

The following example defines a Pointcut named ‘UserAllMethod’ which matches all the methods in User class.

💡If you want to apply to a specific method instead of the whole class methods, then use execution(* User.getName(..)) .

Finally, define the advice; the actual method code that will run at (before or after) the join point(s) we’ve defined.

Make sure you have added the required JAR files or define the dependencies in “pom.xml” file in case of using Maven.

Testing Our Aspect

Now, it’s time to see the outcome.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, please clap 👏 for it.



Omar Elgabry
OmarElgabry's Blog

Software Engineer. Going to the moon 🌑. When I die, turn my blog into a story. @https://www.linkedin.com/in/omarelgabry