Spring: A Head Start 🔥 — Spring Events (Part 3)

Event Handling and Custom Events.

Omar Elgabry
OmarElgabry's Blog
2 min readSep 12, 2017


Spring: A Head Start 🔥 — Spring Events

Spring Events

An event in Spring is a class that extends ApplicationEvent class, published by a class that implements ApplicationEventPublisherAware, and handled by a class that implements ApplicationListener interface.

ApplicationContext Events

The ApplicationContext manages the complete life cycle of the beans. Sounds familiar, Isn’t it?.

In Spring, we have a set of pre-defined events that get published by the ApplicationContext during life cycle of the context.

For example, a ContextStartedEvent is published when the context is started and ContextStoppedEvent is published when the context is stopped.

đź’ˇThis is useful so we can hook into the life cycle of the context and add in our own custom logic.

So, If a class implements the ApplicationListener, then every time an event gets published by the ApplicationContext, that class is notified.

💡Spring’s event are synchronous (single-threaded). So, if an event is published, until and unless all the receivers get the message, the processes are blocked and the flow will not continue.

Listening To ApplicationContext Events 🎧

To listen to a context event, a class (listener) should implement the ApplicationListener interface and override the onApplicationEvent() method.

đź’ˇYou also need to declare this class as a bean (i.e. In XML configuration file) so that the container can identify the bean as an event listener, thus will be notified.

<bean id="contextStartEventHandler" class="ContextStartEventHandler"></bean>

Custom Events

Instead, you can write, publish and handle your own custom Spring events. All what you need to do is as the following:

  • Create the event, and extend ApplicationEvent class.
  • Create the publisher, and implement ApplicationEventPublisher (or ApplicationEventPublisherAware).
  • Create the listener, and implement ApplicationListener.

The Event

The event class is to store the event data. Let’s create a simple event class.

The Publisher

The publisher constructs the event object and publishes it to anyone who’s listening.

To publish an event, either:

[1] Inject the ApplicationEventPublisher object using@Autowired annotation.

[2] The publisher class can implement the ApplicationEventPublisherAware interface, and the setApplicationEventPublisher() method which sets the ApplicationEventPublisher object.

âš  In case of publisher implements the ApplicationEventPublisherAware interface. The publisher class has to be declared as a bean so that the container can identify the bean as an event publisher.

<bean id="customEventPublisher" class="CustomEventPublisher"/>

The Listener/Handler

The listener fires whenever the event gets published.

It implements ApplicationListener interface and has to be defined as a bean (as we did before).

Putting All Together

Let’s test our custom event.

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Omar Elgabry
OmarElgabry's Blog

Software Engineer. Going to the moon 🌑. When I die, turn my blog into a story. @https://www.linkedin.com/in/omarelgabry