All, come to design a better government.

Design the government…

Jiska Hachmer
14 min readAug 12, 2020


The forms of gov are only allowed to be Human Rights…So any party should be a human rights party, nothing else…

All the other forms, that use the power, are power abusers, you are only doing the human rights when being a gov, and thus needs the first and main focus, and has to address anything you ever do.

(Free from discriminations, means a gov with no preferences like churches, or companies ruling, etc. It needs this pure human rights job, as that is the duty.)

We need to jail crime. Parties from the past with crimes too.

(and yes ethically, scientifically correct, with human rights, SEL, academic skills, and as absolute truth, no mistakes. Not made truth, but really true… So we have justice for all, and the criminal and the people we protect from the criminals. Where we must go deep, we need to create the world this way, none becomes a criminal. And without mistakes in how we accomplish that, thus no forces, interferences, etc, really the smartest natural ways. )

Any basic fault is enough to deny them access to the government. Imagine one kills every street, and starts a party, or comes from an old party that is there 100 years, still you jail them for their actions.

The basic must be correct, and still. And with ombudscycle looking back over time, can not be a bad party ever. So, it is about ethics, human rights, science, SEL, academic skills, and always been the best and forever truly will be the best, no faults.

If you get this and understand the core of being good, not at fault, and how wrong must go, you can compare all of the existing parties in the world, and all their rights and wrongs, and the wrongs have to go.

No matter the system, it must be human rights… The system must be Human Rights… and that makes a gov simple…

As you defend all people, not just the country. No human is owned by countries, so who are you defending? And against who? The world also has only Homo Sapiens, one family… So, we need to be smart with govs, only doing human rights, and helping everyone be one world.

We could start with just new parties…But solving crime is still a duty.

We perhaps must anyway start with new parties, so we have all a-z correct in the new parties, as the past has been so bad, globally, so many parties have mistakes, and we can not have mistakes. So using old parties, easily brings trouble, and so, we need people that were never wrong, never part of wrong, and never will be wrong.

They will lead the people ethically, correctly, scientifically, with human rights, ethics, SEL, academic skills and make no mistakes.

It is like medical school, all can go to medical school, but once you are wrong, you are out, criminals will be caught. — No plagiarism allowed is one example.

note. so coming from bad countries will have less MD, and more people in jails, because the people raised badly, raised criminally, violate the logical ethical scientifically correct rules.

They might think of slaves- leader, ruler ideas, but the world is like the MD school, you must be perfect, you are going to keep people alive. We cant do that with mistakes, then people die.

This life and death feelings are in any job, but we understand it perhaps easier in these jobs. MD’s are known to save lives, but it represents any job, all are a service for something good.

Also, a low GPA is not helping…

A country, like the Netherlands with a culture of low literacy, and low GPA, and forced schooling to get all this low GPA and low schooling, which is child labor, abuses, anyway, and if set free all get better grades, and more studies, and higher levels. The forces are abusive and based on myths and crimes, leading to the least scores, so also, scientifically proven the least results, as one studied would expect, but these all do not study well enough, thus none climbs out of this Dutch hell of crimes, abuses, and low literacy, which all logically come together, and makes them vulnerable to bigger crime scenes, that easily take over such bad place, and will work only in power abuse systems, so all will buy this, as all were used anyway, already, and were not taught how to free ourselves.

We even have to wonder, who created this? Could be crime scenes, years on the Dutch, finding us as dumb as possible easier to use. So, influencers, and the secretly among us, and changing us to the worst, we must check.

But Dutch themselves have a bad history of crimes around the world, so the core can be simply there. Low literacy is linked to crimes. They do that all the time, and for centuries, and never got out. As crime scenes are not smart, thus not climbs, they kill, not climb, and they feel that as climbing. But they only get worse in crimes, not smarter, thus less criminal.

Endless studies…

Basic: Human rights, ethics, science, SEL, academic skills.

You must do human rights first, always. If your country has not signed the human rights, human rights are a science, about what human should have, always. So, then see it as a science. A truth. It is meant as absolute scientific laws, the real truth of what humans should have. So, you can study all articles and use it as a start in science about rights humans should have, always, and built it out with the truth, and seek for scientific laws, to get everyone doing these laws, as it is absolute.

I think one studied best, like the USA, with a high GPA, and high literacy common among the population, can win the world by understanding human rights, and rule it with science, as that is what it is, meant to be.

But the EU is not so good in science, some do not even recognize the science behind human rights, is real science, as scientifically. They sometimes, do not understand the history of human rights, which came from humanitarians in 1400, then science from 1500–1700 and this together kept moving through the golden years, and new products and techniques, where eventually world wars made people think of human rights and created human rights and kids rights, which are all of this together into these absolutes we always must do.

And it should help against wars and violations. And needs to help people understand we are people, and counting, always as equals, that always must get the best. So, learn lots about it, and do not fall in traps of oh well then institutions are needed, no all science came to these laws that we are never owned by anyone. And science today also demands not to make systems like that, nor use institutions, as we must be individualistic, and do the human rights, and science in each field explains the unethical experiments and usage, and stigma and abuses the institutions created.

So, really study lots, and lots of fields, and get into it as a science. I know anyway, Americans could rule the world with it, as the absolutes rules, and they can find that in these sciences because 90% has a very high, high school level with a high GPA in the USA. Imagine if all became PhD. But even Down Syndrome becomes a Ph.D. in the USA, thus many people can work on this science: Human rights, and help the world achieve doing the best for humans. And without force, naturally forced into doing the human laws. The absolutes mean things like gravity, who can not do those, we always do those.

So, it is about the discovery of scientific laws in Daily life, like big history and science in general, a logic, and a complete story on humans, that have a daily life where scientific laws always are working, no matter what you do.

Hard work pays off…

It is a lot to explain. And when you start you are explaining the most. So, you see how much explaining it still needs how far you are.

The best science, the rest has no use.

The best you need, the real truth. In science we grow, we learn, so you can track where the thoughts of the people are, how far are the “kids”, where is the development. The smarter you got compared to the rest the more you see of where the less smart is, yet.

You bring them as far, eventually, because all who studied, altogether do that, we bring everyone up. And all bigger than us, bring us up.

The weight on the freedom, not on the ruling.

The ruling has nature, but Gov is just people, not your parents. You are no child, anymore.

The gov has nature, abused seek more often power abuse jobs, dark triads are created.

The real nature, for all not abused, and is the way all should live, because abuse is not allowed, is…

Now dark triad skip science, ethics, human rights, SEL, academic skills, as their mind is abused, and busy with the abuse done, and they are brainwashed and shaped into criminals.

Still, we need science on people, and human rights, ethics, science, SEL, academic skills. It remains what must be done. We understand that, but dark triad twists this.

A Dark Triad refuses this. And some have games for this, talking to your mouth about it, while its duty and they skip it.

People are still who they are… and they do not know that, nor themselves in that way… They could pretend they do, but in reality, not. They are criminals. Just understand what a criminal does, and you know them.

Besides their crimes, the real world still exists, they do not know that real world. Besides their crimes, these duties still exist, and the norm is still science, ethics, human rights, SEL, academic skills. Normal people want just to be kind, them not. So, see the differences, and catch them, change them, and keep all jobs a-z correct. Task-oriented and protected from the dark triad.

And keep them as services that must go well a-z for all people, so all people get their human rights and access to the human rights, and at all times.

Some like clowns, some do not…

All meant for kids, but some do not like it. We are not allowed to force them to like it, or to use them. So, for example, classes to the circus should always have kids that anyway want to be in a school more than to be taught at home and made that decision themselves, also, should have kids that do not go that day, as they do not like the circus, some just do not.

And kids should be free to go during the circus, etc. We have a duty to arrange all the options. And be prepared for all the options, and to be open for new options kids can come up with, and let them be free.

Force is not allowed, nor influencing them to love this. We need to see the real child, not what grown-ups make kids. Like in any science, we seek the truth, not a brainwash, or another form of lie.

Plus, kids are free and equal and we must help them get what they want. We must find interesting what they actually want and think and arrange that this is their life, not ours. We are only there to help them achieve to be themselves.

Life is simple, this is simple, unless you have DSM yourself, and are obsessive, ruling, a dark triad, rude person, not carrying, etc… So, fix you and be good for kids. Check all that use jobs for crimes, and still force kids, it is not allowed, not ever.

Break the myths of they love school, that is not so standard, and put onto kids, try to homeschool and to be the extension of the home, yourself with schooling and learning. The duty is kids must get the extension of the home. (not some made up for work that they are that, no the real you and your home and the kids, and no interference of others)

Get into it as science, the truth must come up.

You do have kids, sometimes. And thus there is:

  • your freedom, human rights as only duty
  • when with kids, your kids first, and this is a true duty, you can work, and be, but your kids are the duty to do first, to help them to get their wishes done and their human rights.
  • Gov only does human rights, but not allowed with wrong interpretations, where rulers seek these jobs to twist it. Gov has to put kids and families first.

Part of these kids first, is the dark triad, funds users, criminals in care, that pretend they put kids first, while they abuse, and get in between parents and children. The duty is no judges, nothing criminal around kids, nor anyone exploiting this, nor trafficking kids. So, institutions for kids, are always a suspicion, you must do critical thinking as a duty in science, also at work.

Same as the Munchausen parents, and govs, wanting to use the people as if they are ill and are not.

The goal in any profession and duty in care is patient-centered, and only a patient if the person themselves find that so.

So, study lots on this, as we always must check DSM of the ones asking for the “care” of kids. It is not allowed to then exploit parents, there is this logic that you double-check why one asks to diagnose a kid, while it's as putting religion on kids at the same time, and we have duty to do what kids want.

Having a job does not mean you are allowed to interfere, or use anyone, or influence everyone, so working towards institutions is always suspicious as we have duty to be individualistic and patient-centered. And thus, wonder how all parents got to these ideas to use these institutions, and who made them, and why, and create all better ways, the way it should be. As nothing needs this, but we do can “force” naturally. As all grow up standard, cumulative, and into bigger complex, and the human being has a maximum in what it can become. Does not mean, if workers are low IQ, the world should be made low IQ as they could expect the world to be this small. We mean know the best, and the real maxes, but do not exploit kids for this, and let them get their rights and opinions and wishes, and help them achieve that.

When the kids feel a bond, themselves, they anyway might use your services, naturally.

See kids as equals, although their IQ is growing, and small until they are 16. After 16, their brain is still not done, the basic is done at 23, and that last part needs till 28 to be in good use. So, from 28 a child is an adult. All before is semi-adult, or partially adult. And from 16 the kids still get new parts, and they can control this better than from being a baby, where we help with all the new parts.

So from birth, the child gets “new parts” in the brain it uses, and more and more they control themselves, and new parts.

We need to understand this development, detailed and complete, to not interpret kids wrong.

It is simple, and we need to feel it this simple. Imagine the library…(which is a part of human rights: access to all information)

Imagine the library, part of human rights is a library, all allowed to read all information, thus the library helps all people get all media, all info, access to all information.

You can make one fee-free and with self-scanning, or abuse this system, with someone in between the people and the books, or even lots of people in between the books and the people.

We can twist it, to earn on all these people.

We can twist it, to force everyone to go there.

But we are not allowed to force, exploit, use, traffick people, etc. It is a no force, but right to join. The right to get information does not mean the right to force people to get the information.

It is about freedom. And first before all. And the only duty. Gov does have to make libraries, but can not use it as force, or for anything. It is to be open as a gov, it is to be allowed to be a country with people, as that needs, first, that all have all human rights, thus the access to the information.

Now imagine people raised in sects, not knowing human rights, and getting gov jobs. Would they understand the library?

And in the way, it should be? Or in the simplest, and a-z correct and best ways?


