Human rights are a duty, thus we must close down those who violate, right away, also governments.

Waiting for that closing down is violating too, a fellow criminal we are when we watch the crimes done, we need to stop the crimes right away. Because human rights rule the world, because absolute truth rules our world, we need to close down the violators.

Jiska Hachmer
13 min readDec 12, 2020


Human rights rule the world, not governments.

No one is owned by a government, nor country. Your passport is not the prove of owning you. The passport is only access to human rights when you want to use the services.

So, governments that think differently violate and must be closed down.

Everyone must know all the articles, first, before doing anything, and must live up to that, always, at any time, in any circumstances. The people twisting the rights are already violating them.

When a government violates human rights, they lose their sovereignty, and we have tribunals, so we get our human rights right away, and these violators can be taken away. This is the law so everyone can always access their human rights (Levin Institute, 2016).


Levin Institute. (2016) Globalization, international law. Levin Institute. Retrieved from

It is not a world of opinions.

Because it is not a world of opinions, we need to find the absolutes, the scientific laws and understand all human rights precisely and with the absolutes.

Basic needs are absolutes, else we die. These absolutes must be done correctly, if you think people only need water, and this water can be dirty water, everyone dies. You would violate human rights.

We cannot just have an opinion. We need to know the absolute truth, the best truth, the real truth. So, we need to study before we work. We need to know the absolute best.

Authoritative care

The only style that does not create DSM (Joordens, N.D.).

Also, the one we must do, because of ethics codes, we are not allowed to use the information, nor the care, in a different way (Валерия Николаевна Петрова, N.D.).

Total freedom we must have, also people are competent, also children. We must live correctly by human rights and are not allowed to twist them, pretending we need to force, we are not allowed to force, also not to do human rights, we have the right to join, not to force. Violation of human rights is a crime. Everyone is free, as long as do not take someone else's rights away. Still, when punished because of committing a crime the human rights count. The only duty we have is human rights (Ruggiero, et al, N.D.)


Joordens, S. (N.D.) Introduction to psychology. The University of Toronto through Coursera. Retrieved from

Валерия Николаевна Петрова (N.D.) Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment. The Tomsk State University through Coursera. Retrieved from

Ruggiero, R., et al. (N.D.)Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. The University of Geneva through Coursera. Retrieved from

Read more.

All the things you need, you need to know absolutely sure, thus you need to study more and more until you find the absolute truth, that is a process, this takes time, but it needs to be done, we need to work with the absolute truth, so we do not violate someone's rights, and so we do not damage anyone.

You need to know the human rights

You need to know the absolute best environment

You need to know all the absolutes in life.

You need to the absolutes on humans, how they can be their best selves, without violating their rights, without forcing, influencing, interfering with them, how they are naturally their true best selves.

You also need to truly solve…

To be truly sure you need academic skills, the scientific method, and find the absolutes, the scientific laws, but this is a process from thesis to research, hypothesis, and finding the truth.

