Human rights in short. You are equal, free, have rights, we say no to some things, also by law, and you have just one duty. The government has one duty too.

Jiska Hachmer
Published in
7 min readApr 27, 2020

The work floor must be clean of criminals, so all do the task correctly, and all get their human rights. Gov only exists to create an adequate living and basic needs. So, lots of them must be closed and their leaders jailed.

The duty is a duty, thus we can do something. The people not doing this correctly in their jobs are criminals, they must be taken right away from the work floor, and so they don't create more criminals. The way they were made was with criminal input, that was not allowed, and is a logical outcome, but unacceptable.

All the people must be free from all that and must be living the way they want.

All comes down to being ethical, do human rights, and thus also the sciences, human rights were coming from absolutes in science, and with empathy.

The dutch pretend they do so much about human rights, but they don't.

And we note that with many countries, during this authoritarianism. It is not something that sounds great, it is something that is great when its really done. It is not just paid for and then pretending to be done. It has to be done. And all must feel that too. All working in schools, working with kids, youth care, local gov, police, in the justice jobs, judges, etc. Our judges don't even do children's rights. Civil rights don´t do them. Dutch live a pretending to understand what the rights mean and don’t do them well. They traffick lots of people and violate all the laws.

You see right there their lack of study, they easily pretend to their minds all is done, they do not study enough to see the violations.

Human Rights.

You are equal, no interference, slavery, degrading, torture allowed, also not by the law, you are free, to move, also to escape prosecution, have rights to live, move, have desirable work, to join gov, and free election, to be married, have family, and own property, to have privacy, also in your home and correspondence, free to join/not join, assembly. And no one is allowed to interfere or arrest you as if you are wrong, and all court must be fair, legal, correct, competent. There is just one duty, gov must arrange adequate living and basic needs. What gov does that well? So, close them down and jail the leaders. And you? The only duty is in community, essential to free and full development. All laws are equal. Not one stands above the other, also none is allowed to be skipped, ignored, changed, done a little. No, they fully count for every person, all times, and “since birth”. They count always. You are born with them.

Remember this in short: Equal, no, also by law, free, rights, and duty.

You are equal, we say no to some things, also by law, and you are free with rights and have just 1 duty.


  • We are equal.
  • Right to life.


  • Interference
  • Slavery
  • Degrading
  • Torture

Also for the law.

  • Must be correct, legal, fair, competent.
  • And the people are allowed to speak.
  • Free from arbitrary arrest and exile
  • Innocent until proven guilty


  • Freedom from slavery
  • You are not owned
  • Freedom in privacy, family, home, and correspondence (dutch AVG, EU privacy laws, already exist in Human Rights). This is a duty to all in the country and the world. Dutch youth care and all institutions must be jailed forever trying to interfere in personal privacy correspondence. And all privacy laws matters. Even your kid's diary or your spouses' diary is not ever a place where you are allowed to read. Also, not phones, any texts, any personal correspondence, etc. Also, not when you are the country or gov.
  • Free to move, also in/out country.
  • Free to ask asylum in other countries, also to escape prosecution. All dutch judges, gov, and workers must be jailed forever trying to track down people around the world with a Dutch passport, moved to not be prosecuted is a right. They pretend its violating, no they are themselves extremely violating. This means these workers are extreme criminals. You are never allowed to change, twist, neglect a human right law. No exceptions.
  • Freedom of religion, belief, opinion.
  • Freedom of information.
  • Freedom to join/ or not to join, assemblies, or any activity.
  • Free from state interference in all the above rights.


  • Desirable work
  • World ranking
  • Participate in gov
  • Free elections
  • to assembly and associate, free to join/not to join
  • to marriage, family, own property


  • Duty gov, adequate living, and basic needs. Free from interference in all these rights. Thus not they decide, create so we must… no, we have the right to join/ not to join. Their only duty is adequate living and basic needs.
  • 1 duty for all people, a community duty, only essential to free and full development. No other duties.


