Ombudscycle: Abnormal behavior/ clinical psychology is subjective and must be authoritative care, only.

It has no use for others, all your personal choices, are for you. No one is allowed to force, interfere, influence, also not to use files created for someone by others, in psychology and psychiatry, this is an ethics code. Also, it is not an absolute truth, absolute scientific law, so it is no scientific truth, yet. Theories are not truth.

Jiska Hachmer
6 min readDec 29, 2020


People need to understand the purpose of clinical psychology.

Also, there is so much more to study in psychology, only 6% would be an DSM psychologist (Zimbardo, 2009). 75% of psychologists did go to therapy (Bearse, et al., N.D.).

Understanding what abnormal is, is needed.

Dutch dont understand normal norms, they are also with criminals as the norm, social loafing, bystanders, frauds, lying, bpd, etc

They need to understand the sadness is normal, as this is trouble. The sadness is no DSM, it is like war comes with sadness, it does not help to lie.

Not crying on a funeral, notable to understand what we see when you cannot cry, do not cry, do not want to cry. These things can be normal, like kids do not always cry, or in shock not all cry. But it is a normal situation.

It is abnormal when after 6 months of no ability to feel anything, or when more than 2 weeks wanting to die, still it can be normal. So, from here we get into might be DSM.

It is never truly abnormal, but one could test for DSM and then do the fitting therapy, if one likes that religion.

Crime at work is abnormal, as the jobs must be done perfectly.

People with bias, DSM, personal issues at work can be dangerous, imagine a rocket to space, and the person in the rocket is not understanding correctly what to do, and has personal issues, which cause the person not doing what they should be doing to get safely into space, safely do the mission, and safely get back.

There is a lot more danger there, than one at home “struggling” the way all will struggle sometimes, and all choose their own religions to solve the problems.

Struggle is normal in life. Labor is hard, is that DSM, no.

Exploiting, human trafficking, care fraud, abuses through work thats abnormal, thats also criminal.

Human rights violation leads not only to loss of sovereignty, and thus all that is done by the person is right away not valid, illegal, and punishable. It is very ill, very abnormal.

War, gov sets the bar and normal people start to even kill. That is very abnormal, for normal people. It is the most illegal thing to do, in war lots become illegal. They will still be punished, all of them, after or at the end of the war. They can never get back to their normal lives, so you ll need to remain normal, also during wars, and the most extreme circumstances.

The emotions are not the problem, lacking them is the problem. The not empathic beings in war, the brainwashed, the criminally exploited, the cruel people they are the problem with their dark triad behaviors.

Abnormal psychology, clinical psychology.

Abnormal behavior is defined by cultural, social ideas, thus not abnormal unless others find it abnormal, at the same time nothing is abnormal as this is subjective. There would be different parts in the behavior that would be “abnormal”:

  • Exceptional
  • Socially deviant
  • False perception or interpretation of reality
  • Significant emotional suffering
  • Inappropriate or counterproductive
  • Danger

(Hoencamp, et al., 2008, p6–10).

Awake state is the normal state, all other states are different conscious or unconscious levels, like different brainwaves, or different moods, one can also have DSM influencing thoughts and behavior, also biases. But normal, abnormal is awake or not awake. The awake state is what we have when we are simply awake doing our normal daily life things. We are then not in another state of being. If we are, we are not in the “awake state”, simply awake (XSIQ, 2015).

Abnormal would be at least one of the following aspects in thoughts and or behavior:

  • Suffering, but this is not enough to have a DSM, psychiatric or psychological problem. Also, one who does, does not need to suffer.
  • Disfunctioning, not all of this behavior is a DSM, psychiatric or psychological problem. Behavior can be different than the norm, but still not be an illness.
  • Irrational and incomprehensible behavior.
  • Unpredictable behavior and loss of control, this can only be determined if there is predictable behavior, and a predictable environment, causing typical behavior, the person would have opposite behavior than others in those situations.
  • Striking and unconventional behavior, this can be weird or different, but does not mean ill, or insane behavior.
  • Behavior making others uncomfortabe, like all the other aspects this does not mean the person is ill. People simply find it abnormal.
  • Having different norms, is not an illness, but people will find it abnormal.

What we find abnormal is not what is ill, we need to use the tests of the DSM to see if one is ill. Also these books change over time, so it is always subjective (p19–30).

People can be very disagreeing about what causes an illness, but sometimes people can agree about the signs of illness.

Signs of illness could be:

  • Distress
  • Maladaptive
  • Irrational
  • Unpredictable
  • Unconventional, unwanted behavior

(Zimbardo, et al., 2009).

Science seeks the true functioning in nature.

Science seeks the true nature in things, and is a process that finds the absolutes over time, which are the scientific laws. Only scientific laws are absolutely true, and these fit in the total absolute truths, that will make us understand the world we live in. Theories are not true yet, theories are like religions, and beliefs, we belief so, for now, or it might be true, but it is not yet the truth.

It violates human rights to judge on others, care must be authoritative, also it must be ethical, all the care we do is only for the wishes of the person, themselves, also all files we create (Валерия Николаевна Петров, N.D.), but then it can be someones choice, like a religion, to solve their “problems” the way they want, and the DSM and the therapies can be one of them. This must be without forces, interferences, and influences. There is right to join, not to force (Ruggiero, et al., N.D.).

All the books say the same, it is subjective what one finds abnormal, also the person can be abnormal themselves, finding others abnormal, it says nothing about the truth in the other person. We can use scientifically “proven” tests and see if we like the therapy fitting the outcome of the tests if one was “abnormal” according to these tests.

All the books have different ideas about what would be aspects of being abnormal, we do can understand it is something like not like all the others. At the same time everyone is born unique, authentic and the goal is to develop the self, the way the person truly is. Being authentic and autonomous is well-being (Santos, N.D.).

All people live within themselves, guessing. This is because we have the senses in between our brain and the outside world, thus we can never be sure if all we receive through our senses is true (Purves, N.D.). So, people being “the same” is magical, as no one can truly know what is true. We should wonder why people can be alike, when they are not sure what the world is, nor who they are.


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Nevid, J., Rathus, S., & Greene, B. (2006). Abnormal psychology in a changing world. 6th ed. USA: Boston: Prentice Hall.

Dutch translation: Hoencamp, et al. (2008) Psychiatrie een inleiding. 6th edition. NL: Amsterdam: Pearson Eduction Benelux.

XSIQ (2015) Diploma in Psychology (CPD accreditation, academic: third level, level 1). Alison. Retrieved from

Van der Molen, H., et al. (2015) Klinische psychologie. Theorien en psychopathologie. NL: Groningen/ Houten: Noordhoff Uitgevers bv.

Santos, L. (N.D.) The Science of Well-Being. Yale University through Coursera. Retrieved from

Zimbardo, et al. (2009) Psychologie een Inleiding 6th edition. NL: Amsterdam: Pearson Eduction Benelux.

Ruggiero, R., et al. (N.D.) Children’s Human Rights. The University of Geneva through Coursera. Retrieved from

Валерия Николаевна Петрова (N.D.) Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment. Tomsk State University through Coursera. Retrieved from:

Bearse, J., et al. (2014) Healing thyself. APA. Retrieved from

