Ombudscyclus Attack — Tristan van der Vlis De Ridderhof in Alphen aan den Rijn, 2011.

These victims did not get compensation. It can be one of the first tribunals against Rutte and Rutte123. There are many in total. So, we do them all when we simply do them, perhaps not in chronological order, but we do can put them in order and check if we solved them all. Then, this is one of the first things that happened and needs tribunals and ombudscycles. And is a part of more tribunals and ombudscycles. With also tribunals against UWV, GGZ, local govs and all kinds of care workers, justice, judges, cops, etc. We need to look back at the start of the build-up to Covid19war, where we have two wars going on Rutte does, ISwar which he financed, and Covid19war, but there is another genocide he does all these years, classicide. Tribunals and ombudscycles are fair earning and we do ombudscycles forever, tribunals can last very long, so we can earn a long time fairly on these situations.

Jiska Hachmer
9 min readApr 9, 2021


A typical situation

There is a typical situation this child grew up in, the NSB grandparent, another thriller writer grandparent(van der Wal, and Gerling, 2021), and a raising in the Netherlands with a situation building up to wars.

Today, 1000+ (planned) deaths is a war (Centeno, N.D.), hundreds of thousands of deaths in this country alone were planned, and ten thousand in this country alone killed, worldwide a few million.

Between that day and today many situations happened, only toeslagenaffaire came to a tribunal, yet. All the other issues must get there too. And we need to see the entire situation. The entire build-up.

What caused this shooting? What made shootings more normal? How did people handle things? Again people neglected.

People need to do all tribunals and ombudscycles on the past rutte123 and before to see all situations, connections, faults to change, and make sure all is done better in the future.

People need to look at these clubs the Netherlands made, also these companies, that assume they do psychology for example, but actually do it wrongly, not the way meant, personally with Ph.D. degrees, and k12, then bachelor, master and then Ph.D. degrees and all in the new system, with the correct and worlds the best curriculum. Including all care in freedom only. Where theories are not true (yet), and no one is allowed to force people into care. Etc.

Like the toeslagenaffaire, also other illegal systems made and used wrongly not how they are meant originally all came together, these people, these victims might have toeslagenaffaire issues too, or other taxes issues, same as any other system used, like the OTS UHP , and jeugdwet systems. All each wrong, and used wrongly, including profiling, discrimination, and neglect. Also, not wanting true routes, not wanting to pay out, they did force to care fraud, frauding with dutch money and actually not the true route, then use of courts as if it is the truth. Fascism in courts, used by criminals at work. Etc. Where in the toeslagenaffaire people also lost kids to rapers, all exploiting all these systems.

Where Rutte123 paid criminals, including IS and care frauds, and other criminals. They did not solve, they caused crimes and were the most extreme criminals Dutch ever had.

All of these situations come together. People lived a lot worse than only this attack, which was extremely cruel. It got even worse after, for all.

Including not a real choice in parties. All violate human rights, when not doing human rights, and pretending they can be a club, to rule the next years, thus slavery. Parties for the government job must be parties doing all human rights, ethics, and sciences. They are a human rights service. So, we need the world's best human rights leaders. Then, we have options to choose from. Now we end up in the next “ruler” with mistakes, and dark triad plans. Simply by not understanding the core of things, the true nature of things, how things actually work and should be done.

This neglect of these people is typical and constant in all situations in the Netherlands. The people are not treated well. There is a lot we need to do and change.

We have the ombudscycles for that. Anyone can join, and do the human rights, in cycles. We keep coming back to this, we keep solving the issues we found, and we keep making sure it never happens again.

There are many mistakes in many jobs, studies, and a lack of understanding of a framework which is duty:

  • Humans above all with their human rights, with tribunals (Without judges, and because of violations of human rights. So people get access to their human rights, right away). Also, loss of sovereignty when violating human rights, it is international law. Also, absolute truth duty and completeness duty (this is also a dutch law in courts). Everything is about finding the absolute truth and doing human rights. So, people are free. Also, to choose their own lives, lifestyles, religion, studies, jobs. No force, interference, nor influences are allowed. And kids are competent, by law, in the human rights, and thus also international law and above any country, and at all times. With duties how to speak to children about their situations with the communication model, also with interpretation duty, not someone else deciding what kids say, you need to hear them correctly, interpret them correctly, and do what they want (without violating human rights)(Ruggiero, et al., N.D.)
  • With and without courts of international law and human rights. Which are also related to their sciences, absolute truth, correct interpretation of human rights, and all we come to do there. Any court is also administrative, as software in a robot, telling the exact truth, the exact way laws work. With a sum of this framework too, placing all the information correctly, humans above all with their human rights, and thus also international law, etc. Also, like a teacher, a professor, a highest studied in this science, able to show the exact sources, and law articles and the science behind it, why something is absolutely this way. As a human rights service for all humans.
  • The government must obey human rights, international law, ethics, sciences. All jobs are related to science, and we are not allowed to skip absolute truth. Theories are no truth yet, only scientific laws are truth. The government is only a human rights service, to help the people in a country to not violate human rights, to have access to their human rights, as world human rights leaders, the best at human rights. A source of information, a peer review, not lawmaker in the human rights, nor international law, but in the government to arrange the routes to the human rights correctly, so none violates human rights. Including ethics, sciences, where also their own jobs are related to human rights, ethics, sciences, and international laws, and ethics. So, they control all in the country, also the judges, but at the same time, sciences never lie, so none will fight, all will simply study the science and seek absolute truth. Theories are no truth, so they leave room for people's personal choice in their own lives, not as a government. They do not decide what religion one should follow, so also not what theory to follow. Note. Ethics rules too and decides on life and death, wherein situations death is an end. All have the right to life, so we do not let people die. Your own right to live and die is your right, not the government to decide on. So, there is human rights, ethics that forces and mean to be the science of what humans need and the natural force in a human's life, because things function this way. Also, sciences with absolute truth naturally force, the way gravity forces us, naturally. It is no theory.
  • Then, we have courts, but they should not be used. There are strict rules to it, more strict than one did. It cannot become a factory of cases constantly to court. People need software, a robot telling them why things are the way they are, including protection against hackers. So, the people do not get changes over time because over time many people came to try to get a certain answer, and this shapes the outcomes and changes the laws over time. This is illegal. People need the sources, the exact correct interpretation, but not by courts, as it is a violation of human rights to use courts. All must be perfect already, so one does not need the courts. There is a lot more to this. People are not allowed to drag others to courts. We also, all need to know the laws, human rights, ethics, sciences and have the science process, absolute truth duty, human rights duties, ethics duties thus do not need courts, we can get to the same answers, and can get to understand the space people have for their own opinions. All is already made clear and needs to be followed. Because of equality, we don't use courts, so one couldn't be standing out, used to change the laws for all. As all outcomes count for all. People do get different answers, because judges are people, and easily miss a lot, but the outcome count for all, so they change the country, while they are meant to keep all strict to laws. In the sciences we also solve situations, so none gets to court. We need to do that work. The right to a fair trial does not mean, right to drag all to courts. The same as the right to join does not mean the right to force to join. There is a lot more to this.
  • Then, we have all people in the jobs, all related to sciences, and the officers with the extra duty to report crimes that happen in the jobs, and to solve all problems in the jobs, and to report to the correct officer on topic.
  • Then, we have every human again, which are above all with their human rights, and thus also international law and with or without judges of those courts, with the tribunals, and ombudscycles. But the humans are also getting these outcomes from all jobs and the sciences. Also, all humans are in the middle with their own studies, thus sciences, and jobs, doing one of the jobs causing an outcome for all humans.

The science framework

Also used in the framework of law, as we must get to the absolute truth, and all jobs are related to a science.

  • Wondering, observing, having opinions about the experiences, a personal world with theses. People have preferences.
  • Research theses, this addresses the mind. The use of the collective knowledge, to research on topics one wants. People use their preferences in studies, to study answers for all the questions they have, personally. This leads to a type of living, studying, and working with personal preferences, addressed to the collective knowledge. Seeking the truth about it. So, one does the absolute truth. The outcomes are still theories and personal choices to believe in, not yet the truth, but they can be the truth. We can know how far from the truth theories are. Science is a process so one gets more and more near the absolute truth.
  • Hypotheses and fitting experiments. Using a lot of research theses to find an answer to the questions one has. Experimenting (ethically, also, with no violations of human rights, international laws, and other laws) and finding the absolute truth.
  • Making of scientific laws, with math formulas. These are outcomes are the truth, like gravity. They count for everyone.

We share all outcomes. All people are in the science process and all people

People can also study the science of absolute truth and try to find better systems to find the truth.

Frameworks of laws and sciences mean the same, finding absolute truth. No just telling us what to do. Freedom. True functioning of things and nature.

Both the laws and sciences, mean to find the absolute truth, the space one has to decide themselves on things, to follow theories, their own opinions, to be in freedom.


WNL (9th of April, 2021) 10 jaar na aanslag Alphen aan den Rijn: ‘Het was een hel’. youtube. Retrieved from

Van der Wal, C., and Gerling, M. (4th of April, 2021) Reconstructie van een drama: wat dreef Tristan tot zes moorden in winkelcentrum Ridderhof? AD. Retrieved from

Wikipedia (N.D.)First Rutte cabinet. Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Wikipedia (N.D.) Mass Killing. Wikipedia. Retrieved from

Centeno, M. (N.D.) Paradoxes of War. Princeton University through Coursera. Retrieved from

Ruggiero, et al. (N.D.) Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. The University of Geneve through Coursera. Retrieved from

