Ombudscyclus: Stolen children, children in schoolbuildings.

The true human rights demand kids in the extension of the home, their parents teaching, arranging education, no interference, no influencing, no forces of others. The focus not on earning from others on children and the families, the focus on kids competent, and deciding themselves, which they can, as they are competent. The gaps that seem left open, are not open at all, as all human rights articles count at the same time. Also, they can never be changed, twisted, denied (Ruggiero, et al., ND.). That is done, even by lawyers and judges, governments, schools, social care, locals, and youth care and other care.

Jiska Hachmer
6 min readDec 13, 2020


All of them have a duty to be authoritative, this is the duty in ethics, and the scientific proven only allowed style, as the other styles damage, and create DSM.

Human rights must be done, and they do not only have to study ethics, but also human rights, and the sciences.

Their professionalism we see with academic skills, and SEL.

That others before you were wrong, does not mean you can be wrong today. It also means all systems made are illegal, and all of them lost sovereignty and must be jailed. It also, means all kids were used, today, and in the past, thus we have the ombudscycles to solve each case, forever, and we never stop working on this, ombudscycles are part of human rights and never stop.

So, we see the past generations not smart enough, not good enough in sciences, math, human rights, ethics, SEL, academic skills, not studied enough, not breaking with pasts and unethical behavior enough, and using kids and families today, instead of protecting them against crimes. We see them not very professional, just copying a bad past.

And they became criminals, skipping the human rights duty, blindly a copy of all things done wrong to them, now wrong to others.

it's always stolen

Lies, told they have to be there, the usage of their naive mind… Kids should be home, the law says freedom and is very specific, thus we must see only that happening everywhere. The education we must do differently, science says the same. We can do this differently, and varied, in many ways, all personal choices, and the choices must be made by the children, each of them, the way the human rights are meant, for each of us.

Using them for our ideas is stealing their rights, is denying the true human rights duty. Especially adding forces, is denying them even more, and human trafficking, exploitations, and a long list of crimes.

Again, also not professional, as a professional would be best at their job and find the best ways to get the kid's will done. So, they are happy with the best and are not denied their rights.

The kids will live after us, and will not forget us, nor what is done to them, also they will find out their rights. It is even our duty to tell them and to help them get their rights.

Everyone trying to stop this, are the biggest criminals and must be jailed immediately, especially because the child is competent, but we have the duty to help them, and they must be protected from these crimes.

Not only their entire lives are stolen, and damage by being made targets in school buildings, with ignorant people that are criminal for forcing them into the schools, as they could already know this is not the right way anyway, and this happens a lot, and any war has such typical behavior, also no one is owned by anyone, thus its not logical to have kids in school buildings, we need to see so many varieties.

We also need to see, how all do get their human rights while taking care of their own kid's education. This problem is bigger, many want to earn on kids and families, but no one pays parents for having kids, normally, for educating their own kids.

There is a lot of work to do for the ombudscycles, thus everyone can earn fairly and forever, as they never stop, and anyone can join, you simply need to be precise on the human rights, and not make mistakes with them.

We cannot use kids, we cannot force kids, we cannot lie to kids, we cannot deny their rights, there is a long list the human rights demand. We must be precise.

Criminals wait to steal our kids, through systems.

You need to be aware every time you see a system, who benefits from that, and how things can go wrong.

Hundreds of kids stolen from the school in Nigeria yesterday the news told us that, but we could expect it.

The west should not pretend all must-have school buildings, this gives them the fault, the cause of the damage. Forcing, influencing, interfering with families and kids and bring them to the school buildings, was actually a crime, and for their own benefits, not the true science, it was just the wrong way they did things with kids themselves.

They should have taken care of science, human rights, and ethics, which is clearly something else than they did. Also, it was not smart, clearly not studied best, it was already known all had to be different.

When you truly study this, you find a totally different way of schooling kids need.

So, we need ombudscycles for school buildings.

We need to create an understanding of true science, true human rights, true ethics, true academic skills, true SEL.

And we need to free all kids, and start with they are competent, they must get what they want! We have a duty to interpret this correctly and arrange what they want!

At the same time, we need to be aware of who forced us into these wrong ideas and why?

Who used us? Who used the kids? What for? What do they think to get out of this? What is the motive behind it all? How did they get into this all, anyway? What are their own faults, illnesses, faults in their pasts?

They need a lot of lessons, but also to be taken out of the work fields, children's rights must be protected and must be done right. We cannot us people in between our rights, and our kid's rights, that deny us rights, or pretend the rights are something else. We need to protect our rights, that is a duty, for every person.


Ruggiero, R. (N.D.)Children’s Human Rights — An Interdisciplinary Introduction. The University of Geneve through Coursera. Retrieved from

Hachmer, J. (12th of December, 2020) status/1337830869315227652 Twitter.Retrieved from

ANP (12th of December, 2020) Bandieten vallen school in Nigeria aan, politie zoekt honderden kinderen. Retrieved from

