The Dutch Ombudscycles.

People are abused, forced, used, exploited, human trafficked. This is created, has a history, and we need to find all science, and data on this.

Jiska Hachmer
6 min readNov 25, 2020


This is an overview, to know all, see all the cases, not yet all mentioned here, that will be put in these ombudscycle publications, see also all the cases not yet published, and in the news, or just any case you know of. Also, unpublished data is data that counts.

We need whistleblower income, so people keep working on this.

  • Profiling women and family.
  • Profiling the elderly.
  • Profiling black and white, extreme rights in the Netherlands, profile the colored.
  • Profiling youth, and kids, with apartheid, through schools, clubs, social workers, family court, local and national government, and justice and police. These are the people with a duty to do human rights, like anyone, but they assume they work according to the human rights, but they only work against the human rights and skip the kids being competent, and the duty to help the kids get their wishes. You see here the abuse of power, including the typical dark triad going to these jobs. Also, many DSM complexes because of the past of X and boom NL, with their unethical childhood.

The users of the Netherlands, the exploiters, need to be studied, and put to place, as it's a job, no place to exploit.

The job has sciences, ethics, human rights, academic skills, and SEL. Needs honor codes, good examples, and higher literacy to drop the crime rate.

Like the VVD, use all of these people and jobs and keep playing with them, setting up scenes to create fights and wars, and war themselves, with anything coming along. Also, PVDA uses the idea, all must work and profile everyone that way. CDA lets all happen. New extreme rights developed, like FvD. Also, the green and party for animals are not strong enough in sciences, to see how to stop all of this, as they should be strong in sciences, and simply show the highest level of science to stop criminals. Besides them, you need human rights party, kids rights party, ethics party, sciences party, not only the little life sciences these parties for animals and green do, and the SEL party, which needs to change the entire social workers, lower study majors, social studies, etc with the highest majors, and the true SEL, not the lower literate ideas of it, that is sociopathy. Thus there is a lot of extreme work to do, against covid19war, and still, the IS war, the anti-terrorism, anti-extremism, anti pedophiles, even they think to join the government and make their predator's behaviors legal, also anti-fascism, anti crimes at work, anti creating damages, anti lower literacy (without forces, truly the most natural, and absolutely free, and according to human rights, ethics, sciences, with academic skills and SELL, ways to get people into higher literacy, correctly. A-Z the workplaces correct, so all get the best input, best processing, best environments, and thus their own best output, which will be someone else's input.

We need studies on war, fascism, pedophiles, terrorism, extremism, crime at work, crime out of hand, and damages from low literacy and low literacy.

Thus studies on war, fascism, pedophiles, terrorism, extremism, crime at work, crime out of hand, and damages from low literacy and low literacy are needed to solve this.

The kids of these groups right now in the government, do not learn the best input, they are not themselves, they are made who these criminals want them to be.

These people attracted to work in the government of the Netherlands, now, learn not the sciences, ethics, human rights, academic skills, and SEL as the first thing to learn.

They teach the kids the war, fascism, pedophiles, terrorism, extremism, crime at work, crime out of hand, damages from low literacy, and being low literate.

The kids in the Netherlands, are even forced into the bad schools, with lower literacy, and worst environment, worst input, all damaging their brains and behavior, stuck in the sects that use and abuse them.

It is the worst parenting place, to be with those people, and the gov and the schools, and all they attract.

The schools are used to force kids into a low level of schooling, simply to be used.

We must study deeply, also:

  • Extremism, fascism, terrorism, war. Crimes at work, and out of hand. Low literacy, frauds in schools, frauds in sciences, usage of the jobs for crimes, includes the crimes start in the schools by the workers, including their low IQ and low literacy, in those lowest study majors, which is linked to crimes.
  • X and boom NL their pasts.
  • All crimes since the Netherlands, have the same type of crimes, apartheid, slavery, human trafficking, exploiting, and fascism, pillarization, sects. People brainwashed into ideas, through unethical behaviors. Because X and boom were raised unethical in the Netherlands, also from pillarization, which each have a history of wars, terrorism, extremism, exploitations, and human trafficking, there is a lot to do, with the usage of the entire history of the Netherlands, and all polarizations history, and how they shape crimes, also at work, and how crimes go out of hand. We will need to use sciences, ethics, human rights, academic skills, and SEL to solve this. A core that all must have to not be unethical, not be skipping what must be done first, the human rights, to not be skipping being academic, and use the scientific method, create scientific laws and be scientists, fiding further studies and the absolute truth. To not have criminals we also need to add honor codes, good examples, and higher literacy. Growing knowledge, to clean the work floors, and create A-Z correct workplaces with.

Dutch used these unethical ideas. The newest older workers use this still, because of their pasts.

Criminals use all unethical, as copycats and because they think it works.

They did not get the new sciences, they were left with this, and people assumed they would be mature enough to fix this problem themselves.

They did not want the new sciences, they are brainwashed, put through this, and it's an extreme, thus ruling in their minds, plus they do not find the sciences themselves to address their mind, and they kept the old ideas as truth, or “works”, and refused the new sciences. Also, out of DSM, like fears, and schizophrenia, and many complexes.

All the damage and the DSM outcomes must be measured too, constantly, and over time.

The children of that time lived many unethical influences

This makes them a copycat, and criminal.

They lacked children's rights, although human rights are for every human, also children.

So, they never lacked them, but they lived with criminal older people, not understanding what a child should get, human rights.

Children are born with human rights, but for the ones not understanding children as humans, there are the children's rights, showing why kids have the same rights, and how one has the duty to help kids to get what they want.

With the logic of sciences, ethics, human rights, academic skills, and SEL, to show the differences of one with most sophisticated ideas and one with the lowest ideas, of crimes.

A criminal thinks, oh then we let them be criminals. A smart person thinks kids are smart too, and understand how they learned, themselves, to be sophisticated.

We mean we let the kids be, who they are, but no one can violate human rights, neither the kids, but kids we do not punish, we let them fix the damage.

We must do human rights precisely, and first.

All getting their rights, not some group are slaves, to be used, exploited, human trafficked, and others are the users, exploiters, traffickers etc.

