5 Characteristics That Make Omdena AI Projects Unique

Why our projects attract individuals from all around the world to learn and build AI for Good.

Michael Burkhardt


As you are reading this you might be interested to join one of our projects to solve grand societal problems with changemakers in 75+ countries.

With feedback from an ever-growing global community, this article will answer the why & how behind Omdena.

The outline

  1. Learning while making a real-world impact
  2. Collaboration instead of a competition
  3. A five-step growth path from Junior to Mentor
  4. Real-world experience for a diverse and relevant skill-set
  5. Joining a global community with a common vision

Changing AI education and development

Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

Omdena started to change the status quo, not as an individual or a company, but as a community.

While it seems like the entire world is competing, our mantra is to build AI for Good, By the People, For the People.

We are doing this to enable an environment where AI engineers and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds can learn from each other, thrive together, and…



Michael Burkhardt
Editor for

Slow Travel | Meditation | Founding Member, CMO @Omdena