Creating an Interactive Yield Prediction App Using Google Earth Engine and Jupyter Notebook

Praveen kanna
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2021
Application made for Omdena project (Improving Food Security and Crop Yield in Senegal) — Source: Omdena


For one of Omdena's projects, we created a simple but powerful application to improve food security in the African country of Senegal.

For food security understanding the food system is essential. Accurate crop type details in near real-time will provide insights on the food system for policymakers and will provide information on crop diversity and nutrition outcomes. So we decided to create an application using open-source satellite images to identify the crops and estimate the yields for any given area.

Challenges Encountered:

  1. The first challenge is we have to acquire the satellite images from the regions selected by the user interactively over a map.

For this, we came up with the Python package Geemap which allows users to select a region in the map and get the geo-coordinates of the selected region.

!pip install geemapimport geemap
Map = geemap.Map()
Selecting a region from the map — Source: Omdena
#draw a rectangle in the above map and then run this
#ROI - Region of Interest
feature = Map.draw_last_feature
ROI = feature.geometry()


{'geodesic': False,
'type': 'Polygon',
'coordinates': [[[-120.021748, 46.126847],
[-120.021748, 46.126957],
[-120.021535, 46.126957],
[-120.021535, 46.126847],
[-120.021748, 46.126847]]]}

2. Downloading the geo tiff file and processing the file to get the data in the form of a matrix is computationally powerful.

We used the Geemap function ‘ee_to_numpy’ for this. It converts the image collected from the Google earth engine ‘ee.image’ into ‘NumPy’ array. It doesn’t need local computational power. It is all done in google earth engine itself.

import eedef maskS2clouds(image):
qa ='QA60')
cloudBitMask = 1 << 10
cirrusBitMask = 1 << 11
mask = qa.bitwiseAnd(cloudBitMask).eq(0).And(
return image.updateMask(mask).divide(10000)

# Load Sentinel-2 TOA reflectance data.
imageCollection = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2') \
.filterDate('2016-01-01', '2016-12-31') \
.map(maskS2clouds) \
.filterBounds(roi) \

rawImg = ee.Image(imageCollection.toList(imageCollection.size()).get(0))

#get the matrix for B2 band only
B2_image = geemap.ee_to_numpy(['B2']), region=ROI)

3. Each band in the sentinel is of a different resolution. So the matrix we got is of different shapes for each resolution. We wanted to have all the matrices stacked on top of each other to get a single multi-channel image.

Sentinel Dataset Band Info — Source: Google Earth Engine Data Catalog

We resized all the matrix to the high resolution (In this case 10 meters resolution) using the ‘nearest neighbour interpolation’ method.

targetSize = (50,50)B5_Matrix = cv2.resize(B5_image,targetSize,interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
Source: Omdena

Creating the Application:

To create the application we used ‘ipywidgets’ which is an interactive HTML widgets for Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab, and Ipython Kernel. Then we used Voilà to turns the Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications.

Step 1 — Define the user interface:

Sample code:

#Date picker 
dateBox = widgets.DatePicker(

mapWidget = widgets.Output()

step1 = widgets.Label('Step 1: Select the date')
step2 = widgets.Label('Step 2: Select Region from the map')
step3 = widgets.Label('Step 3: Load model')
step4 = widgets.Label('Step 4: Estimate yield')
estimate_yield_debug = widgets.Label('')

getROI = widgets.Button(description='Ok')
estimate_yield_Btn = widgets.Button(description='Estimate yield')
loadModel_Btn = widgets.Button(description='Load model')

#Progress bar
progressBar = widgets.IntProgress(

#Text Area
estimate_yield_Out = widgets.Textarea(
layout={'height': '300px'}

#Display prediction image (Matplotlib plot)
estimate_yield_plot = widgets.Output()

Step 2 — Updating the widgets:

  1. Updating a label:
for band in bands:
estimate_yield_debug.value = f"Processing: {band}"
Source: Omdena

2. Reading information from date Picker:

year  = dateBox.value.year
month = dateBox.value.month
day =
Source: Omdena

3. To display Map:

Map = geemap.Map(center=[14.607989,-14.531731], zoom=7)
Map.add_basemap('Google Satellite Hybrid')
with mapWidget:

4. To trigger a function when a button is clicked:

def getStatistics(change):
some codes

5. To update the progress bar

for band in bands:
estimate_yield_debug.value = f"Processing: {band}"
#Update progress bar
progressBar.value = progressBar.value +1
Source: Omdena

6. To display matplot image

def plotResult(prediction):
Code to visualize the prediction in the form of Matplotlib image.

#display output
#Visualize the prediction
with estimate_yield_plot:
source: Omdena

Step 3 — Create the app layout:

Vertical Box (widgets.VBox) and Horizontal Box (widgets.HBox) are used to group widgets together.

Then we can use AppLayout from ipywidgets to align all the widgets in a proper way.

from ipywidgets import AppLayout#Arrange the layout
verticalBox = mapWidget
vBox1 = widgets.VBox([step1, dateBox,vBox])
vBox2 = widgets.VBox([step2, getROI,
step3,loadModel_Btn, step4,estimate_yield_Btn,progressBar,estimate_yield_debug,yieldOutput,

height="70%", width="150%")

Steps to run the application in the local environment:

  1. Open the notebook
Source: Omdena

2. Click on the Voilà button

Source: Omdena

Useful resources:

This article appeared originally on Omdena´s blog.

