Omega Royale: Play-To-Mint Season 3 begins!

Omega Royale
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2023

We’re back with another season for Omega Royale: Play-To-Mint! The new Season 3 marks the beginning of summer with a fresh, green battlefield. This time there will be no banned Defenders or Spells to allow for various strategies. Also, a few balance changes have been made for Season 3:

- Blade Strike nerfed => -15% dmg
- Executioner bumped => kill chance (0.2% -> 0.3% on tier 1 and 3% -> 4% on tier 7)
- Archer & Azure Mage slightly bumped => +5% dmg

As we’re concentrating our efforts into the development of Omega Royale for mobile, Season 3 will be live for an extended period of time. The event will be live starting from Monday, June 5th, until further notice.


🍀 Season 3 features 🍀

- NEW MAP: Green arena for summer!
- NEW BALANCE CHANGES: New strategies!


Season 3 prizes feature three different types of in-game chests: Mega chest, Big chest and Normal chest. All chests have a chance of dropping NFTs.

Rewards also include Special Discord Roles and Whitelist spots!

TOP 10 players will all get a Limited NFT Emoji!

• Top 1: 1x Mega chest
• Top 2–10: 1x Big chest
• Top 11–100: 1x Normal chest

🎫Prizes by ticket raffle:
Get tickets by playing daily! Each day you can earn a ticket to improve your chances to win in the final raffle.

• 100 lucky players from the raffle will get a Big chest!

+ FRIEND INVITE: Gain extra tickets for the raffle by inviting friends! When you get your friends to play and earn raffle tickets, for every third ticket they earn, you will get an additional ticket (up to a max cap of 200).

⚠️ Note: NFT prizes will be given out in 2023. In-game loot can be redeemed once the mobile game is out. Metamask users will be able to claim the rewards by logging in on our web portal once the rewards are available. See our Roadmap for more.

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