Keep May 25th free — OMG CLIMATE is On!

Christine Lariviere
Published in
3 min readApr 26, 2019

The free, community-run open space event about tech and climate change is now open for registered interest!

Doing our part

Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity. The scale and granularity of the changes required to avoid the worst impacts necessitate a global increase in awareness, ambition, and mobilisation.

As the tech industry is now responsible for a similar level of emissions as aviation or shipping, each of us has our part to play in fixing it.

Where do you start?

One of the first things you can do is talk about it, and just like we explored GDPR with OMGDPR last year, we have ways to explore big, complicated topics like the climate change together.

That’s what we’re going for with OMG CLIMATE — a community-run open space event in Berlin.

Community-run open space event

Open space is an event format where you, the attendees, decide the event’s content the day-of, by bringing along climate change and sustainability topics you’d like to discuss with peers.

What follows is a set of lightly-facilitated conversations to explore these subjects in smaller breakout areas, capturing the key insights, before culminating in a final session to share these with the rest of the group.

We want everyone to feel welcome and safe, and generally be excellent to each other, so we’re running it under the Berlin Code of Conduct.

Rough schedule for the day

We’ll be starting after lunch, at 14:00, at SoundCloud. Doors will open at 13:30, and we’ll have beverages available. We won’t wait for latecomers, so please be on time!

13:30 — Doors open

14:00 — Introductions and explaining the format

14:20 — Pitching session ideas

14:45 — Sessions start

17:15 — Wrap-up, and sharing what we’ve learned

18:00 — Tables booked at the BrewDog bar, for continuing the discussion with new friends, over drinks and food (optional)

Diversity and inclusion

We want this to be an inclusive event, with people coming from a diverse set of communities, so we can have a variety of perspectives when exploring this important subject.

So, we’re asking for your help to make it better. We’re speaking at various events about this anyway, but if you’re running a meetup and you’re interested in one of us coming to your event to talk about it, please drop Chris a line, as a DM on twitter (@mrchrisadams) or send an email to

Carbon footprint

We’d like to emphasize that this is a local event. If you’re coming from another city, we heavily suggest low-carbon travel, by opting for a train, for example, over flying. A summary of the event will be available once it’s over.


Huge thanks to SoundCloud, for providing their space to run this, for free, and the various staff time for making it possible.

Register your interest now!

