What to expect on the day of OMG CLIMATE LONDON

Chris Adams
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2019

Alright! OMG CLIMATE LONDON is happening this coming Friday!

We’re sold out, and registration is closed now, but if you signed up, this is what to expect on the day.

If you couldn’t sign up in time, fear not!

We’ll share a a write up, collating pics and posts from the day on this publication, shortly after the event.

13:30 — Doors open to the public

There will be tea, coffee, and soft drinks available in the afternoon, and while we expect you to have had eaten before you arrive, if you’re flagging, there will be fruit and some snacks.

14:00 — Introductions and explaining the format

We’ll welcome everyone, and state our motivations for organizing this event, before introducing format, code of conduct, organisers, and facilitators, and other housekeeping.

Here’s the deck we’ll work from on the day here, with pics of the session spaces

14:20 — Pitching session ideas

People line up to pitch a session. You can pitch a session too! Or not! Each person has 30–90 seconds to pitch (depends on the number of people). Then they write the session title on a jumbo sticky that is stuck on nearby wall ~ 20 min

All attendees vote by marking the cards with a dot; three votes per person.

Organizers and facilitators set a schedule based on popularity and available spaces.

Note for facilitators: This is when you will know exactly which sessions you will facilitate. If your topic is chosen, you will also be facilitator for your session. We’ll try to balance it so that you get to attend the sessions you are interested in.

We will publish the schedule on a slide that will be visible on screens for the rest of the event.

14:45 — Sessions start

This is approximate. If we slip, we do have some buffer at the end.

  • 14:45–1st 40 min sessions
  • 15:25–10 min break
  • 15:35–2nd 40 min sessions
  • 16:15: 10 min break
  • 16:25: 3rd 40 min session
  • 17:05: all sessions finished

17:15 — Wrap-up, and sharing back what we’ve learned

Regroup in main central space. Session leaders, or delegates, get 2 minutes each to share key ideas that came up, and take questions ~ 20 min

Rest of the time for people to walk around, take photos of other flipchart notes if they want, munch snacks, network etc. We‘ll also need to restore the space by returning chairs and putting tables back where they were.

We’ll be sharing links, and pics on the day with the #OMGCLIMATE hashtag.

18:00 — Continuing the discussion with new friends, over drinks and food (optional)

We have a table booked at a The Somers Town Coffee House nearby, under the name OMGCLIMATE.

Head there on your own, or walk with a group.

OK! That’s it! See you Friday!

A note for anyone who needs a quiet private space on the day, such as parents tending infants or to pray: We’ve designed the event so there is quiet space available, away from the sessions if you need it. Please contact a facilitator on the day, or get in touch at chris@productscience.net.



Chris Adams

Into bikes, sustainability, science, UX, politeness, coffee, & cities. Makes stuff on the internet at Product Science, AWMUG.org, and the planetfriendlyweb.org