Bats Are Great At Sex & Love Foreplay

Cunnilingus comes AFTER sex. Need we say more?

Ilana Gordon


Ines Vuckovic/ Dose

It’s common knowledge that bats are nocturnal, but what you may not know about them is this: When they go out at night, they’re going out to get laid. And they’re having better sex than most humans can ever dream of.

Oral sex isn’t common amongst animals. In 2014, two male bears in Croatia were spotted orally servicing each other 28 times over the course of just a few days. But this is not normal bear behavior. Bonobos also perform frequent oral sex, but experts chalk this up to adolescent males fooling around rather than any kind of real sexual engagement.

Contrast this, then, with the mating process of fruit bats, which reads like something out of a 90s teen comedy. First, the male bat must secure a location; he does this by constructing a tent out of leaves and other foliage. Then he invites all of the female fruit bats in his contact list over to his sweet new pad.

This is when things start to get zany. One of the female fruit bats generally initiates contact. She approaches the male fruit bat, sniffing his face and neck to show her interest. After some erotic face licking, the bats get down to business, with the female often starting the process by performing fellatio on the male.



Ilana Gordon

Writer of comedy + other things: Input Magazine, The A.V. Club, The Daily Dot, Jezebel, The Takeout, McSweeneys, Reductress, The American Bystander | @IlanaAbby