This Epic Slip’N Slide Is The Length Of A Football Field

Our inner children are freaking out.

Daniel J. Scotti
1 min readSep 13, 2016



Summer might be coming to an end, but that hasn’t stopped one Aussie from throwing the bash of the season.

Meet Paul Borrud, the former boss of Facebook Australia and New Zealand—and the man behind the “Annual Borrud Slip’N Slide,” an event featuring a 100-meter-long Slip’N Slide. For those of you doing the conversion in your head: That makes it slightly longer than the length of a football field.


If you think that sounds fun, you’re absolutely right—and that’s made no clearer than through this short video Borrud compiled of Slip’N Sliders, most of whom are holding GoPros, having the times of their lives.


And, according to Borrud, next year’s installment of the annual Slip’N Slide will contain even more surprises. So, if you think a 100-meter-long Slip’N Slide is extravagant, just wait for next summer!

